View Full Version : trouble with "unified view?"

17-Aug-2006, 08:20
I'm getting an error message with lots of code attached when I click on Unified. Is it me or is there a glitch?

it starts with this:

// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'search');
define('ALTSEARCH', true);

Kirk Gittings
17-Aug-2006, 08:21
No problem here.

17-Aug-2006, 08:25
those messages are PHP/apache generated messages. I don't get them. The reporting level on web servers available to the WWW should be set to suppress them. The apache error log will be full of them. Most php web sites generate a lot of warning messages which are usually supressed.

It could be, our hosts have been testing something and switched on error reporting for a while.

and if its just you, then if you are using a proxy server, then it may be your proxy server generating the errors. In which case you should check your servers error logs to see what has been happening.

17-Aug-2006, 08:51
Yeah, ok, thanks. it's fine now.
who knows, the errors might have been generated by my brain.

Ralph Barker
17-Aug-2006, 09:06
I encountered the same issue earlier, Paul, where my browser was displaying the code, rather than interpreting it. A reboot and a reload of the page solved the problem for me.

Ron Marshall
17-Aug-2006, 10:21
About 30% of the time when I switch to the unified view it doesn't load, but a refresh takes care of it.