View Full Version : And they call it a "studio" 8x10,

14-Aug-2006, 21:43
I scough in the face of such limiting monikers.
2 weeks ago I finally completed the project that was "how do I make my 20 pound cambo sc transportable and ready to shoot instantly"

90 dollars later and a tonnnn of work I've created a padded case with wheels and shoulder strap that securely holds a completely constructed studio 8x10. Driving great distances to strange stores to buy bulk foam and cases made to hold dead animals. I've been working on shots the past week and have gotten my time down to about 2 mins a shot, ala street portraits etc etc you name it. 8x10 studio shooting from the hip and you best believe I'm taking full advantage of my movements.

I'm not bragging just putting the idea out there, if anyones interested I can detail the process although it was 90% figuring out/finding materials measurements and 10% ingenuity. I just love the idea of using my $450 cambo faster than a deardorff:D

protect yo neck

Brian Vuillemenot
14-Aug-2006, 22:06
Why not take all the money, energy, and time you spent on the elaborate case and schleping around that thing and just buy a lighter camera?

14-Aug-2006, 22:16
when I really thought about it before I invested one way or the other I realized I would be sacrificing too much for a field. When I say I use my movements I mean I use my movements. Far as price goes with the 90 bucks I spent on the case I'm still about 600 bucks less for my setup than a decent field.
And another thing, everyones always complaining about weight, transport etc...I understand this is more trying but come on people some times you just gotta go for it if you want it. Laborous excercise never hurts, I lifted weights all summer to prep for it. Not like I'm pulling mules behind me.

John Hannon
15-Aug-2006, 10:13
I'd be interested in hearing about how you built it. Any photos of it?

17-Aug-2006, 00:41
Light 8X10??? I dont understand. I now use a Dodge 3500. No problems.