View Full Version : Danny Burk Photoshop Workshop

Jim Peacock
10-Aug-2006, 20:25
I would like to recommend Danny Burk's workshop for anyone wanting to increase their Photoshop skills. I recently attended his workshop and found it very worthwhile. The session went for five days. There were five people in the class so there was alot of personal attention. Check out his web site (www.dannyburk.com) for details. The 900 mile to South Bend, IN from Florida was well worth it.

Jim Peacock

Danny Burk
11-Aug-2006, 14:39
Jim, thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated!

I should add that the next Photoshop for Photographers session runs from 18-22 September 2006, once again based in South Bend, IN. Full details may be found here:


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
