View Full Version : Epson V750 Pro 8X10 Negative Question...

jim kitchen
29-Jun-2006, 21:34
Dear Group,

Yesterday I sold my Epson 4990 Pro, and I purchased an Epson V750 Pro.

Unfortunately, in my haste to acquire a scanner that can retrieve a larger file, I neglected to see that the 750 scanner can not wet mount 8X10 negatives within the supplied wet mount apparatus. The wet mounting device is beautiful crafted and well made. Interestingly enough though, Epson indicates on the fluid mount alignment guide, an area recommended as the optimum scanning area. This marked optimum scanning area is definitely less that the width of the scanning bed. This guide is visible, below your negative, while you center your negative on the fluid mounting glass.

Envision a nicely centered typed text on an 8.5X11 piece of paper, with a border that approximates one inch, left, right and bottom, and the top border having about one half inch of clearance. This text area represents the optimum area indicated on the Epson mounting guide. Great idea, but this optimum area is certainly narrower than I would have hoped for. I might be incorrect here with a guess, but this narrower optimum area might be a function of the CCD's.

That said, I am disappointed an 8X10 negative is excluded from the fluid mounting device, and I need to find a solution to reduce the curl of large format negatives, while they are scanned.

To alleviate this 8X10 negative problem, I would like to find a piece of glass that will fit the cavity on the scanning bed. I would like to know if anyone could recommend a type of glass or specific type of plastic that I could use as a substitute, to keep the negative flat on the scanning bed? I have a problem with Delta 100 8X10 film remaining flat enough to scan properly. It loves to curl on me...

With a bit of ingenuity, maybe I could replicate the fluid mounting device, and make the interior mounting area a bit wider to accommodate an 8X10 negative.

If someone has a moment, could you possibly provide a few suggstions, specifically on the proper type of glass and, or a type of quality plastic or acrylic to flatten the negative, that I might be able to experiment with, and if possible, a source for the materials?

Thank you in advance,

jim k

Doug Fisher
30-Jun-2006, 06:19
Hi Jim -

I believe one of the issues is that if you scan 8x10, it pretty much takes up the whole bed and the film edges are very close to the edge of the scanner's glass. That poses a large potential problem. Without a set of edges/walls like on the fluid tray, if any fluid seeps out from the fluid mounted sandwich, it could very easily reach the side of the scanning bed and seep between the edges. This could lead to multiple problems (fluid on internal electronics, internal white calibration strip getting stained).

I am guessing the less than full width scanning area also coincides with the second higher resolution lens being used for wet mounting. It does not have the capability to scan the full width of the scanner bed. I think Epson assumes that most people who are going to go to the trouble to wet mount (and who aren't scanning 8x10) will would probably want to use the "high resolution" lens.

If you want custom cut glass, I refer everyone to Mike Sparks at http://www.fpointinc.com/glass.htm. He should be able to help you out with your needs.

My $.02,


Bart Nadeau
30-Jun-2006, 06:40
Get a piece of anti newton glass here http://www.fpointinc.com/glass.htm, put your neg emulsion down on the 750, put the AN glass AN side down on top of th base side of the film and scan away. Works great on both my 750 and 1640xl. MIke has many sizes precut at reasonable (I think) prices.

jim kitchen
30-Jun-2006, 19:56
Thank you gentlemen for your replies...

I will investigate the glass you recommend. All I need is something to keep the
negative flat without introducing incremental noise.

The fluid mounting bed's glass is certainly higher off the scanner's normal glass, so I wonder how Epson accomodates the refocusing of the film plane in their software?

I do not have the trouble with TMY curling on the scanner's bed, but Delta 100's thinner film base, is truly tough to play with. I do lay the emulsion side of the film down on the glass to prevent rings. Experience dictates that...

Thank you again for your directions,

jim k

Doug Fisher
30-Jun-2006, 20:33
>>The fluid mounting bed's glass is certainly higher off the scanner's normal glass, so I wonder how Epson accomodates the refocusing of the film plane in their software?<<

According to the directions I received with the fluid tray, you are supposed to use the film (with film holder) setting, just like when you are using film in a film holder. It is using the same lens and raised focus point as when scanning film which is also why it has the narrower scanning area. When you are scanning on the glass with your 8x10, you use the other software setting (film + film frame or whatever it is) which switches the scanner to use the other lens.


jim kitchen
1-Jul-2006, 07:42
Dear Doug,

Thank you for the information. I guess I should re-read the wet mount document supplied in the box...

As for the AN glass, I will contact the supplier, to see if they can supply a piece of glass that will fit the current scanner surface area. I notice they sell the glass in 1, 2 and 3 mil, so I must ask which thickness would be better? One mil would be very fragile in my hands, and probably not a good thing to have without some type of rigid lifting device, attached to the edges of the glass.

Do you have any suggestions, on how I might place and lift the glass properly, on top of the 8X10 negative?

Thank you in advance,

jim k

Doug Fisher
2-Jul-2006, 06:54
Jim -

Since I assume you will be scanning with the 8x10 film on the scanner's glass bed, you will need just one piece of glass that will sit on top of the film which has been placed emulsion side down, right? If so, then I would get the thickest piece (3 mm if I remember right) of glass. The thickness of the glass won't have any effect on the height of the film since the glass will be on scanner bed, so I would get the thickest piece to 1) minimize the chance of breakage 2) make it easier to grasp when taking off the glass 3) most closely match the 3 mm stated susupension height in case you could possibly find a use for the glass with smaller film sizes that can be scanned at the 3 mm for the second "6400" lens.

My $.02,

jim kitchen
2-Jul-2006, 19:00
Dear Doug,

Thank you sir for the information. I'll do that...

jim k