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View Full Version : Globalmatter bellows experience?

Chris Gardner
26-Jun-2006, 17:33
There is a fellow on the bay auction site selling Technika and Deardorff "factory standard" bellows. I was wondering if anyone has purchased one of the bellows and what they thought of them. I am first interested in the Techinka, but I also have a Deardorff to refit at some point too.

I am aware of other bellows makers like Camera Bellows, and in fact had them make a custom Deardorff bellows a while ago. The company, and bellows were great. I am in the US and there is a certain simplicity to just ordering from the auction site if the product stacks up to the original.


David A. Goldfarb
26-Jun-2006, 17:37
I've purchase a few items from him, and my sense is that he's an honest guy, but be very careful about what you're getting, because his English isn't so great, and his descriptions can be unclear or sometimes misinformed.

Jon Wilson
26-Jun-2006, 20:13
I purchased a replacement bellows for my V8 Deardorff from him. I purchased from him on Ebay and it was timely delivered. It appears to be of quality material and workmanship. Eye balling the removed old V8 bellows with this new replacement bellows, they appear to be the same dimensions. I am presently restoring my V8 and hope to have these NEW bellows installed with a week or two. I will keep you posted.

Chris Gardner
27-Jun-2006, 05:53
Thanks for the replies so far. If I purchase the Technika bellows I will be sure to post my impressions.

Jon Wilson
3-Jul-2006, 20:45
Hi Chris: Just got my bellows installed for my V8 which was purchased from the seller you have inquired about and it was a perfect fit.

My Deardorff is off and running...so to speak. I found the easiest way to install these bellows was to position them on the V8's braces with small staples...such as from a Arrow Jet hand stapler with the staples I believe being 3/8". I also made the handle more user replaceable in the future installing nickel metric head screws with receiver bolt (for lack of a better term....it has been a long day) hammered into the underside of the rear standard so it remains in place, but the handle metric head screws can be removed without having to loosen the bellows.
Let me know if you have any questions on your V8 project...not that I am an expert, just make a lot of mistakes....and hope to pass my learning experiences to the next one.... Best wishes, Jon