View Full Version : FREE 4X5 and 8X10 FILM BOXES

Paul Moshay
25-Jun-2006, 19:50
I have many new 4x5 and 8x10 film boxes from the last few months jobs. I don't need them and it's a shame to discard them. Anyone wanting some can send me a $6.00 stamp and their address and I will sent them to you. I think I can get six/seven 4x5 boxes in a Priority Mail box. I will wait until I have all of them asked for before I send them out, the Post Office here is so busy I cannot wait in the long line for just a few. My address is; Paul Moshay, 16935 Vanowen St. Suite C, Van Nuys, CA 91406
ps: if I get more requests than I have boxes, I will return the stamps to the sender.

26-Jun-2006, 09:54

I'd be interested in some 8x10 boxes. I live in your area and can pick up. I pass by Van Nuys (101-405) at about 3:30 - 4 PM every weekday. Is this okay?

26-Jun-2006, 10:35
Hi Paul,

I'd be interested in the 4x5 film and I'm also in your general area, so I can easily drive down and pick it up. Please email me if that would be OK.