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22-Jun-2006, 01:42
Hi all,

In regards to lenses mounted in an Acme Ilex shutter with the bi-pole sync (?), how do you handle attaching modern day flash units to it. Is there an adapter available to turn it into an x-sync arrangement?

Thanks in advance for any info.:)


Dan Fromm
22-Jun-2006, 03:55
"x" "m" and "fp" refer to delay. With "x" class synchronization, the flash is triggered when the shutter is wide open.

"bi-post" is a type of connector. Most modern flashes have a "PC" connector. By an odd coincidence, Paramount cords (Google for them) make a flash cable with female bi-post at one end and male "C at the other. That's what you want. If B&H doesn't have one, MPEX will.

Ralph Barker
22-Jun-2006, 05:54
As Dan noted, Paramount makes bi-post-to-PC adapter cords. Additionally, if your flash uses a (U.S.) household electrical connector (like some Metz and most studio strobes), a shaver cord also does the trick more inexpensively.

22-Jun-2006, 12:58
Hi Dan, Ralph,

Thanks for the info... :)

I've just won a 19" Red Dot Artar mounted in one of these "late version" Ilex shutters and, since I've never had one of these shutter types before, it's a new piece of equipment for me.

I'm also in the "thinking stages" of having it re-mounted in a Copal 3 by S.K. Grimes and Co. Is this a wise decision or are these shutters really decent? The conversion is going to run approximately $300 - 350 plus the additional cost of a Copal 3. The only reason I'm considering this course of action is because all my other lenses are mounted in Copals and I'm use to them.

Unfortunately, my flash unit (Balcar) utilizes a banana plug... so, if the decision is to stay with the Ilex, I'll contact Paramount for the adapter.

Thanks again... much appreciate it! :)


Ralph Barker
22-Jun-2006, 14:13
The Ilex shutters actually aren't bad - especially if they are in good enough condition to have CLA'ed. Personally, I'd only go to the expense of re-mounting in a Copal if the shutter was really shot, and the purchase price was enough of a bargain to justify the expense, or the lens was unique/rare enough to warrant the additional cost.

Oh, and I'd bet the banana plug on your Balcar is at the unit end. Many studio strobes use banana or phone-jack plugs there, but have a standard electrical connector at the other end, with a short pigtail to adapt to the PC connector.

22-Jun-2006, 14:45

The fellow I bought the lens from said the shutter is a later model version and is very functional. So, I guess I'd better run it through its paces before making up my mind.

There was an identical lens in a newish Copal 3 shutter that sold for a touch over my bid of $775. Sadly, I had to attend a meeting and wasn't there for the final count! :( Such is life! :) But, perhaps fortunately, since the lens I now own cost me less than half of my bid price. :)

And, yes, you're quite correct. It IS a short pigtail to the pc connector. :)

Thanks again...


Jim Galli
22-Jun-2006, 14:53
If you DO decide to go the Copal 3 route, make sure Grimes sends you the old shutter and the bushings that fit the Artar. Then sell it to ME ME ME so I can put my 450mm in it. Ilex's are Cadillac's to us bottom feeders.

22-Jun-2006, 15:56
Greetings Jim,

Gads, I HAVE something YOU need??? Will wonders never cease!!! I sit in awe of the variety and quantity of gear that you and Dagor77 manage to get ahold of. :)

Yes, I'll be more than happy to get ahold of you if I decide to go that route.


David A. Goldfarb
22-Jun-2006, 16:38
If you're using the lens mainly with strobes and the shutter works, there's no point in spending $800 to put it in a Copal 3, since the shutter speed isn't really critical.

Ilex shutters are fairly easy to service, as long as they don't require parts. I have a few of them, and I've learned to clean them myself, and they're fairly accurate. I'd only upgrade to a Copal shutter, if you're shooting transparencies in natural light at speeds within the range of the shutter.

22-Jun-2006, 19:00
Hi David,

Am I correct in assuming that the shutter speed issue isn't an issue because you lock it on bulb and just fire bursts?

I was just down at the local "pro shop" and was told that it was exceedingly difficult to buy those Paramount made adapters... at least, here in Vancouver, BC. Apparently, they had one on order for well over 6 months...

I've not yet decided whether I'll be lugging the beast out into the field yet, or not. At this point in time... I was going to use it mostly indoors with a set of Balcars doing table top type set ups.

But, you're absolutely correct in that that is a chunk of cash to be spending on a new Copal 3 shutter if I can work with the Illex.

Thank you... :)


David A. Goldfarb
22-Jun-2006, 19:44
The speed isn't usually critical with strobes unless you're mixing hot lights and strobes or sunlight and strobes. The strobes will usually be at least 4 stops over ambient in the studio, so you could shoot anywhere from 1/30-1/250 sec (and probably even down to 1/5 sec), and you won't notice the difference.

23-Jun-2006, 00:50
The speed isn't usually critical with strobes unless you're mixing hot lights and strobes or sunlight and strobes. The strobes will usually be at least 4 stops over ambient in the studio, so you could shoot anywhere from 1/30-1/250 sec (and probably even down to 1/5 sec), and you won't notice the difference.

Hi David,

I don't normally mix lighting sources... and, usually, I shoot at 1/250th of a second. So, it's good to know I'm on track.

Thank you for the information... with the weekend just around the corner I think I'll do some experimenting. :)
