View Full Version : my 99 cent 8x10 enlarger

Daniel Otranto
19-Jun-2006, 13:28
Got this nuarc copy camera on ebay for 99 cents complete with a 165mm rodenstock lens, moved the lightbox to where the film vacum is

viola, 8x10 enlarger with a digital timer

Christopher Perez
19-Jun-2006, 13:44

Wow! What were the shipping costs?

What a great thing this is!!!

Daniel Otranto
19-Jun-2006, 13:50
it weighed about 200 lbs when it was complete so it was pick up only (nh)

Ralph Barker
19-Jun-2006, 14:00
Gee, I think you paid way too much, Daniel. (lol)

Great snag.

Jim Rice
19-Jun-2006, 18:29
Well done, Daniel!

Jay DeFehr
20-Jun-2006, 13:04
How does it work? What are you using for a neg carrier? Do you just place the neg on the glass, and then the light box on the neg? Is the light uniform across the easel? Does it get hot at the neg stage? How much can you enlarge on the baseboard? Looks like a really cool project, at a very good price. Thanks for posting.


Daniel Otranto
20-Jun-2006, 14:07
theres a slide in rail contraption my dad is building right now out of aluminum railing so I dont have to sandwich the neg, but sandwiching it could work, its just the light box weighs about 20 lbs so that would get annoying lifting it up all the time. The neg is near the light source but its cold light and is no closer to where the copy film would have been so heat isnt an issue, I only want to do 16x20s and have checked the coverage which is fine, but 20x24s and larger should be alright as the head can be pretty close to the easel for 16x20s...the light looks uniform

Jay DeFehr
20-Jun-2006, 16:16
That sounds great! Ingenuity wins again. Enjoy your new enlarger.


Daniel Otranto
28-Jun-2006, 18:45
update: it works! for the most part at least...i need a new enlarging lens as this one becomes very faint at the edges...not enough coverage...




Christopher Perez
28-Jun-2006, 20:11
This is a GREAT setup.

I just got back into 8x10 and something like this would be just the ticket to fill more space in my darkroom. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for a $0.99US copy camera. :) :) :)