View Full Version : Another Stearman Tank Question

Bob Kerner
11-May-2024, 10:24
My recent batch of negatives have uniform small dots or lines running across them, all in the same basic location on the negative. Faint, only visible on the light box. I don’t think they are scratches because they came from six different holders unless I scratched them while loading into the tank’s holders. Seems unlikely. 6 out of 6 Ilford HP5 developed in HC110 and washed with the Ilford wash method. I haven’t see this in previous runs where I was using DDX. I reviewed the other threads here which suggest washing outside of the tank.

Please explain the method of washing outside the tank. I’ve only washed inside so the technique is new to me. Do I put the negs in a tray and run water over them, then do a a final swish with a drop of Ilfotol?

I’ll post a scan when I get my scanner set up.

Thank you.

11-May-2024, 11:49
SO to verify, how does the mystery lines/dots on the negatives compare to the film notch?

the instructions on MY stearman tank said i would need to spend time removing flash from the film holder tabs..

11-May-2024, 12:55
What has always seemed odd to me with the Stearman tank is that some film/developer combos cause issues, while others don't. IMO, if you never had issues using DDX, then I'd use it; there's nothing special about HC-110. I don't recommend washing film in the tank because you generally want water to flow around both sides of the film. Washing in a tray is potentially problematic depending on the tray design--flat bottom not good, ridge/groove bottom better. If you're going to tray wash, it would be best to "slosh" the film around every so often. Another problem with tray washing, especially if you have a constant flow of water, is sheets of film sliding across each other and possibly causing scratches. If you search around a bit, you'll find examples of film washers for sheet film which you may or may not be interested in.

11-May-2024, 13:22
which version of the holders do you have? mine are the v1 solid ones and I have no issues. They have ridges to let the fluid flow behind the negative. I also tend to pull the negative out after fixing and a minute or two of wash just to see what I got. Maybe dislodging it from the holder gets rid of the issue. For long wash times you can use the FR tanks or other square tanks. I use Presoak > Pyrocat-M developer > water stop > TF5 fixer > Wash in the tank. No photoflo in the tank because it does leave a residue that will impact your next processing.

Bob Kerner
11-May-2024, 15:53
I have the latest version. Instructions don't mention trimming anything. I only have HC-110 at present, so I want to sort out what's going on with the tank. I don't want a tank that can only be used with a particular developer. That's silliness, and if it's the "problem" then I'll be moving onto some other device because that's crappy design!

Bob Kerner
11-May-2024, 16:32
What has always seemed odd to me with the Stearman tank is that some film/developer combos cause issues, while others don't. IMO, if you never had issues using DDX, then I'd use it; there's nothing special about HC-110. I don't recommend washing film in the tank because you generally want water to flow around both sides of the film. Washing in a tray is potentially problematic depending on the tray design--flat bottom not good, ridge/groove bottom better. If you're going to tray wash, it would be best to "slosh" the film around every so often. Another problem with tray washing, especially if you have a constant flow of water, is sheets of film sliding across each other and possibly causing scratches. If you search around a bit, you'll find examples of film washers for sheet film which you may or may not be interested in.

Thank you Alan. Follow up question. At least with the roll film washers I've seen, they connect to a hose and then to a faucet. I wash with distilled water, at least for the final rinse. How does that work....clamp hose and refill from bottle of water?

11-May-2024, 21:03
Thank you Alan. Follow up question. At least with the roll film washers I've seen, they connect to a hose and then to a faucet. I wash with distilled water, at least for the final rinse. How does that work....clamp hose and refill from bottle of water?

I'm probably not the best one to help because I've used the same setup for 4x5 film for over 40 years; it's a plexiglass rack that sits on half-height dividers in my print washer. For 8x10 film, I put one sheet in a film hanger and place the tank under a slow running faucet. However you accomplish the wash, it's important to keep the sheets separated.

12-May-2024, 05:12
hi Bob,

I've never used the Stearman System, but for years I've read how people have something like a love hate relationship with them ( some people love them never have issues, others have flawed development as you've described ) ..regarding wash methods, Oriental used to make a film wash tank that was a syphon box with a slotted plexiglass rack that holds the film, it connected to the faucet, filled up and dumped and was a great way to wash 4x5 ( zone iv and gravity works made/make similar systems ) ... another way to wash film is in an open tray after you fix the film, you shuffle them, but some people have issues that way, I've been lucky haven't really had issue and sometimes I develop 35-40 sheets of film in a tray at once ..
good luck getting your situation sorted out !

Bob Kerner
12-May-2024, 07:16
Yes, I saw a couple of the Zone IV washers on the 'Bay. They fetch a pretty penny.

12-May-2024, 16:18
Yes, I saw a couple of the Zone IV washers on the 'Bay. They fetch a pretty penny.

I've been using my oriental branded one since like 1988, works every time and worth every penny ...

12-May-2024, 16:58
I love my Stearman Press SP810+ system for 4x5.
It does 4 sheets of 4x5 at a time, horizontally, slosher-style.
I've never had any problems with 'texture transfer' with it.
Not useful for washing film, however, it requires another method for that.
It can also do 2) 5x7's or a single 8x10 sheet.
I have 2...one dedicated to 8x10, the other for 4x5 /5x7 or 8x10 as necessary.

13-May-2024, 08:12
I have the sp4x5 and have never had a problem. I do develop, stop and fix in the tank. I then remove the sheets & wash in my film washer...mostly because I'm impatient. :D

But lately I use my Jobo for 4x5 so I haven't used the Stearman for awhile.