View Full Version : 1930s Notch code ID

25-Mar-2024, 19:45
I am wondering if someone can identify these notch codes 1933. I'm curious about the film speed (for an article I'm writing). I am not at liberty to share the contact sheet images, made in California. The negs (4 altogether) appear to be 4x5 contacted on 9x12 paper, from the image I have of the contact sheet, unless they are smaller size on an 8x10. They were made with a Graflex, probably Super D. The left image shows the wave distortion at top, and I wonder if this could be from using a filmpack.

The same image has, at bottom left, a perhaps 1/2" tall sliver of the left rebate intruding a couple of mm along the vertical edge. Of the four images on the sheet, from the same scene, two have this, two do not. It is like a normal film holder guide extending the rebate along the majority of the film edge, but here only on one side, skinnier, and only the half inch high, at what would have been the bottom of the film in the camera, I presume. All images are verticals, which I'm only guessing was normal for the Graflex.

All four images have the same slight extra density at top edge in the center, to the left of the notches.
The image slice is here:


25-Mar-2024, 21:08
Looks to me like possibly DuPont Arrow Pan.


Notch code reference chart is from 1954, courtesy of Photo.net via google.
Hope this helps.