View Full Version : New Jobo Chemistry Announcement

22-Mar-2024, 16:25
Jobo placed an announcement on Facebook (See below) about the new Alpha Film Developer. Does anyone have any other insight? It isn't on the Jobo-USA site. 248193

JOBO alpha is optimized to develop B/W negative films in rotary processing. What the JOBO alpha developer stands for: fine grain. High sharpness. Great use of film speed.
In combination with teh JOBO alpha neutral fixer, the entire process takes place in an alkaline to pH-neutral environment. A short wash replaces the usual stop bath. The whole process is gentle on the film and highly ecological. It saves chemicals and water whilst achieving high long-term stability.
JOBO: pure. analog. passion.

22-Mar-2024, 17:23
Looks promising.

Oren Grad
22-Mar-2024, 20:32
The data sheet is available from the main Jobo (Germany) site - click on the References/Downloads tab in the middle of this page:


23-Mar-2024, 06:29
Interesting that it is a two part mix. It doesn't appear in the typical stores in the US. I'll do some testing and plot curves when I get it.

23-Mar-2024, 06:49
It just showed up on the CatLabs site FYI. https://www.catlabs.info/product/alpha

23-Mar-2024, 07:57
Interesting! What makes this developer “optimized for rotary processors”?

23-Mar-2024, 13:52
Interesting! What makes this developer “optimized for rotary processors”?

I guess it is perhaps somewhat lower contrast as the rotary process is actually a continuous agitation?
And if it is, then it might be interesting while shooting roll film during the summer, when the light is harsher, to use it in a hand agitated tank?

Michael R
23-Mar-2024, 13:59
Interesting! What makes this developer “optimized for rotary processors”?


23-Mar-2024, 14:17
Yes, at 24C, some developers 'not optimized for rotary' will have times less than 4 min.

Tin Can
23-Mar-2024, 15:28

23-Mar-2024, 17:03
Probably low oxidation of the developer. There is such a thing as different changes in developers based on closed versus open environments.

23-Mar-2024, 17:18
Love to try some but I don't do Paypal.

23-Mar-2024, 18:54
You might call him. I'm pretty sure I've made purchases directly from the shop via a credit card. Many e-commerce sites didn't update to the new credit card selection options and defaulted to PayPal. It *kind of* looks like that here.

Peter De Smidt
23-Mar-2024, 20:47
It sounds like a phenidone/ascorbate developer, but that's just a guess.

Michael R
23-Mar-2024, 21:07
It sounds like a phenidone/ascorbate developer, but that's just a guess.

The developing agents are CD32 and HQMS. The alkali is sodium carbonate.

Peter De Smidt
24-Mar-2024, 08:02
The developing agents are CD32 and HQMS. The alkali is sodium carbonate.

Thanks, Michael.