View Full Version : Arista EDU Ultra 400 (8x10) With Rodinal. Any thoughts on dilution and speed?

Andy F
21-Mar-2024, 16:46

This week I shoot my first 8x10 sheet film. I am going to shoot Arista EDU Ultra 400 and develop it with Rodinal. Any thoughts on what speed I should shoot it at and what dilution and time I should use to develop it at. I know photographers often shoot Tri-X and HP-5 at one or one and half stops slower than box speed. Would that be also true of Arista EDU Ultra 400? The instructions suggest 1:25 at 5:30 for box speed and digital truth does not offer any info on pulling. Also, my guess is that I don't have to worry about grain because I am shooting 8x10 sheet film so a 1:50 dilution would not be such a bad choice.

At any rate I would be interested in knowing what other people do. I would love to know what other people have been successful with when using this combination.


Rick A
24-Mar-2024, 17:15
From my recollection, I always lost one stop of speed with Rodinal. The best advice I can give you is shoot three sheets, develop each one in 1:25, 1:50, and 1:100 and see which you like most. YMMV

26-Mar-2024, 16:34
I processed it for 15mm in Rodinal 1:50.
Iso 200. Inversion in tank (SP445)
Hope that helps

Andy F
30-Mar-2024, 01:55
Any info helps. Thanks.