View Full Version : Printmaker's Friend Over Kallitype

Andrew O'Neill
28-Jan-2024, 07:04
First time with this stuff.


Tin Can
28-Jan-2024, 07:48

I am inspired and have most of what I need

Thank you

Andrew O'Neill
28-Jan-2024, 08:08

I am inspired and have most of what I need

Thank you

Love to hear how it goes!

John Layton
28-Jan-2024, 11:12
Wonderful and meaningful changes in tonality!

Having given PT/PD a try many years ago...and seeing how Kallitype offers a great opportunity to achieve a very similar look and feel with less expense - and with your "Printmaker's Friend" to help enrich the feel of separation and range of such prints, I find this very inspiring - especially as I've (finally) started getting back into ULF (11x14) after many years away from this.

Ron McElroy
28-Jan-2024, 12:29
Thank you Andrew!

28-Jan-2024, 15:47
Just out of curiosity, Andrew - is there a reason you're not gold toning the kallitype to get better contrast and D-max?

Andrew O'Neill
8-Feb-2024, 11:31
Just out of curiosity, Andrew - is there a reason you're not gold toning the kallitype to get better contrast and D-max?

I usually do, but not for gum overs. I do gum-overs for a colour change, not for increase in contrast and D-max...That was an unexpected occurrance. PMF at the recommended dilution doesn't seem to stick well on the Kallitype even with PVA size over top. I'll eventually be trying straight out of the bottle. I also like to Selenium tone Kallitypes, by the way.

9-Feb-2024, 06:00
Wolfgang Moersch just posted some images where he bleached a Kalitype then redeveloped using his MT blue formula and another color. I am amazed how flexible Kalitypes are.