View Full Version : Rodenstock Sironar 210 on a Copal 1 Nikkor W 180 5,6 shutter

8-Jan-2024, 07:33
Hello I have a question for who can answer me.
I'm going to buy a Rodenstock Sinaron S 210 5,6 branded "Apo Sironar-N" that is mounted on a Nikon W 180 5,6 Copal 1 shutter.
I'm wondering if is ok or is possible to have any issues with the aperture scale ?
Also any impression on this lens?
Thanks a lot

8-Jan-2024, 07:57
Of course the aperture scale will be off. The f-stop depends on the focal length of the lens. It won't be off by much though. You might be able to use the same scale -- just move it in the correct direction (how much???) -- or make a new one, or buy a new scale (probably any scale from a 180mm lens will work, but it has to be the same shutter).

Mark J
8-Jan-2024, 11:37
If the scale hasn't already been moved, then you will be getting f/6.5 when you set it at the marked f/5.6 . But as Xkaes says, the scale can be moved and if done correctly, then all the other apertures will be correct. The only thing I don't know off-hand is whether there is any 'hard stop' set for the iris at f/5.6 for the 180 lens, that would not allow it to open (more) to the full size required for f/5.6 for a 210 lens.

Mark J
8-Jan-2024, 11:55
The difference is just under half a stop. I think it's close enough that a half-stop shift will do.
So, if you are going to use the existing scale by removing and re-mounting it, then you need to mark on the barrel where the current mid-point of f/5.6 and f/8 is ; then position the 'f/8' of the remounted scale there.

The fine detail of the Nikkor and the Sironar lens designs will not be quite the same, but I believe they will be similar enough for this calc to work, probably significantly less than a 1/3-stop error.

ps. this all assumes that your seller didn't go to the trouble of doing this.

Conrad . Marvin
8-Jan-2024, 13:57
The error will become more critical at small apertures, if you are using B+W film, you should be ok. But I would still want to check the entrance pupil size for the correct diameter at the f stop that you want. ( 180 divided by 5.6 = 32.14 etc )

Mark J
8-Jan-2024, 14:57
No, any error will be the same at all smaller apertures. Once you have it set for eg. f/5.6 or f/8, the (precision) iris blades and mechanism should ensure that the smaller apertures maintain the correct relationship to the full aperture.

8-Jan-2024, 16:28
210 is maybe one of the most popular large format focal lengths. I'd look for another lens with the correct scale unless this one is very inexpensive.
A while back I had a 210mm for which I paid about $125 and I was able to make an aperture scale with a label maker.


8-Jan-2024, 17:20
Why buy this lens? Buy one that's in the correct shutter.

There are many good lenses that haven't been molested in some way.