View Full Version : DB board and copal shutters

3-Jan-2024, 14:39
Hi all

Bit of a rookie question:

I have found a mint condition "Rodenstock Sironar 180mm F5.6 (DB Mount) Large Format Lens - UK Dealer" I have a spare copal 1 shutter here - can I just screw out the lens cells of this and add to my shutter and have a regular LF lens set up to use on my Linhof master tech ???

Thanks in advance


3-Jan-2024, 15:34
As an aside, plain "Sironar" lenses, (not "Sironar-N") have a tendency towards cement delamination, which shows up as an oily rainbow pattern between glass elements.
If that lens shows that, it would be best to avoid.

3-Jan-2024, 16:23
It shouldn't be a problem. Since you already have them both, just give it a go.

3-Jan-2024, 16:52
Adding shims when screwing the barrel lens elements into the shutter to optimize the sharpness of the lens is something to consider. May or not matter all that much.

3-Jan-2024, 17:58
As others said, mechanically you can mount it, the problem is that all manufacturing has tolerances, whether in the lens cells themselves, the shutter, the DBs, or all of them. So that's why maybe some shims are needed if the performance of the lens drops once in the new mount. I haven't done this a lot of times to be able to draw statistics, but my experience has been that I never needed extra shims. Guess there's only one way for you to find out!

5-Jan-2024, 00:02
thanks everyone - I bought the lens and arrives in a few days - fingers crossed