View Full Version : Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

Memento Mori
6-Dec-2023, 21:01
Any suggestions for lenses equivalent to the AE178? I’m looking for the fast/shallow dof stuff. I use a Speed graphic with focal plane shutter, so barrel will work. Quirky is fine, under $500, please:p

6-Dec-2023, 21:48
buhl projector lenses. the 2.5 versions have gotten pricey and hard to find, but still a better deal than an aero ektar, and the slower versions are nice and cheap and even fit in a closed speed graphic.

Paul Ewins
6-Dec-2023, 22:27
Dallmeyer 8" f2.9 Pentac would fit the bill.

Memento Mori
6-Dec-2023, 22:52
Thank you!

Memento Mori
6-Dec-2023, 22:56
Thanks, I’ll look around.

7-Dec-2023, 10:50
The following lenses are available in varying sizes between 150mm-400mm:

1.2 Fujinon Projection Lens (145mm)
1.8 Zeiss Ernostar
1.8 Astro-Berlin Pan Tachar
2.0 Taylor Hobson Cooke Series O
2.0 Schneider-Göttingen Xenon (125mm)
2.5 Leitz Hecktor
2.5 Taylor Hobson Cooke Speedic Series X
2.5 KOMZ Uran
2.5 Clave Paris Nocton
2.5 Kinoptik Foyer
2.7 Zeiss Tessar
2.7 Ernemann Anastigmat Ernostar
2.8 Zeiss Biotessar
2.8 Schneider Xenotar
2.8 Komura
2.9 Dallmeyer Pentac
2.9 Plaubel Anticomar
2.9 Ross XPRES
3.1 Cooke Portrait Series I
3.1 Emil Busch Glaukar
3.5 Schneider Aero-Xenar
3.5 Schneider Xenar
3.5 Schneider Xenar Type D
3.5 Schneider Xenoplan
3.5 Zeiss Tessar
3.5 C Friederich Doppelanastigmat Coronar
3.5 Wollensak Varium
3.5 C.P. Goerz Hypar
3.5 Hugo Meyer Trioplan
3.5 Steinheil Cessar Anastigmat
3.5 G. Rodenstock Dopple Anastigmat Euryner
3.5 Taylor Hobson Cooke 'Knuckler'
3.5 Berthiot Stellor No.3 Serie 1a
3.5 OIP Gand 'LABOR'
3.5 Dallmeyer Dalmac
3.5 Voigtlander Color Skopar
3.5 Ilex Seminat
3.8 Wollensak Vitax
3.8 Ilex-Acme Portrait
3.8 Graf Variable Anastigmat

Some are rather obscure (ie. Xenoplan) and some are generally expensive (ie. Ernostar) but bargains can be found with patience.

Older -All manner of fast projector lenses from Schneider, Leitz, Fuji, Buhl, Bessler, B&L etc...
Newer - LCD Projection lenses mostly Japan, Korea, and Russia some German names but likely still made in Asia...

Other sources of fast lenses: Surplus Shed, photocopier lenses, projection tv lenses...

7-Dec-2023, 11:37
Buhl Projector Lens

7-Dec-2023, 12:19
Carl Zeiss Jena 250mm 3.5 Tessars. Most of the ones I've seen have the red "T" meaning they are coated. A bit slower than an Aero Ektar but also a tad longer so overall DOF is comparable.

7-Dec-2023, 12:47
This is a good place to find fast LF glass: https://www.wetplatedreams.com/allitems

They have a 200 f2.9 Pentac: https://www.wetplatedreams.com/dallmeyer-pentac-200mm-f2-9

Mark Sawyer
8-Dec-2023, 11:48
Another possible option. Perhaps. Put a +3 diopter on an f/4.5 300mm lens. That would give you (approximately) a 160mm f/2.3. There might be some aberrations, but they might be interesting.

Memento Mori
11-Dec-2023, 23:43

Memento Mori
14-Dec-2023, 09:41
Another possible option. Perhaps. Put a +3 diopter on an f/4.5 300mm lens. That would give you (approximately) a 160mm f/2.3. There might be some aberrations, but they might be interesting.

So now my brain is trying to sort out how that works. The diopters I’m used to are teeny things at the eyepiece on a dslr.

Do you have more info on this approach?

Dan Fromm
14-Dec-2023, 10:15
So now my brain is trying to sort out how that works. The diopters I’m used to are teeny things at the eyepiece on a dslr.

Do you have more info on this approach?

PMFJI. The diopters mentioned are sold as "close-up lenses" or as "close-up adapters." They screw into lenses' filter threads. Cheap ones have single elements, are to be avoided. There are also multi-element diopters that are more expensive but work better.

Mark J
14-Dec-2023, 15:20
1 Diopter means a focal length of 1m ( 1000mm )
2 diopters is a focal length of 500mm.

I don't know if you can get diopter lenses big enough to cover a 300mm f/4.5 - can you ? I have never checked.
There will be aberrations .... if not colour, then some other things....

14-Dec-2023, 16:13
I have "+3" and "+4" single-element close-up filters in 72mm size...so yes, they're out there...maybe check with www.filterfind.net for other sizes.

Memento Mori
14-Dec-2023, 17:12
I snagged a clean (couple of minor blemishes off to the side on the front element) Buhl 9” f/2.5 for about $250 today. Came with RAF alloy lensboard. Happy enough for now:o

Bob Kerner
6-Aug-2024, 14:22
It's the Olympics again, and David Burnett is out there with his Speed Graphic and the 178 AE that I'm convinced he gets royalties each time one is sold. I also see a YouTube influencer running the same rig shooting ball games. Made me wonder:

What is the current day equivalent of that lens in terms of focal length, speed and image quality?

Let's say you like the effect that lens creates but not willing to spend the time and $$$ for an AE, but want something comparable. 4x5.

Yes, I know it's the artist/setting not the glass.....but can't help being curious if people are chasing that particular lens when there's something just like it that isn't getting any attention.

7-Aug-2024, 04:24
I had an AE briefly, wasn’t that sharp….

You could try pulling a 180 or 150 heidosmat off a Rollei projector.

A guy I know is out at the olympics and met Burnett and he had a Canon t/s lens on his Sony….

Bob Kerner
7-Aug-2024, 06:03
I had an AE briefly, wasn’t that sharp….

You could try pulling a 180 or 150 heidosmat off a Rollei projector.

A guy I know is out at the olympics and met Burnett and he had a Canon t/s lens on his Sony….

Yes Burnett did a What’s in the bag many years ago and mentioned the Canon lens. He’s also been seen with a Lens baby I think.

7-Aug-2024, 07:32
One question, is there any way to tell when browsing if a particular optic, such as say a 150mm projector lens will cover 4x5 without vignetting and unacceptable softening? Forgive me if this is a silly question. Is it the case that people have tried specific lenses like say the Buhl lens and determined that it can cover 4x5, but a random 150mm lens off ebay might not?

Oren Grad
7-Aug-2024, 08:07
Threads merged.

Dan Fromm
7-Aug-2024, 08:08
2.5 Kinoptik Foyer

Response to post #6 above.

Foyer means focal length. Slight misquote there.

You missed Dallmeyer Super Six (150/1.9, 6"/1.9, 200/2.0) and 200/2.0 S.F.O.M. (sometimes also engraved Kinoptik).

Super Sixes are cult lenses, impossibly expensive. I've had a 6 incher. Not practical to mount on a 2x3 Speed Graphic, might work on a 4x5er. I don't believe a 200 can be fitted to a 4x5 Speed Graphic.

I've had a 200/2 SFOM, too heavy, IMO, to use on a 4x5 Speed Graphic. Very uncommon, not inexpensive.

7-Aug-2024, 09:05
The Rollei Heidosmat 150mm 2.8 also covers 4x5. Well, soft corners, so either doesn't cover really, or has a curved field which doesn't matter in its intended use for 6x6.

Bob Kerner
7-Aug-2024, 09:49
Thank you, Mods, for merging. I searched—honestly I did ! —- and didn’t find this thread.

7-Aug-2024, 10:39
Is it the case that people have tried specific lenses like say the Buhl lens and determined that it can cover 4x5, but a random 150mm lens off ebay might not?

I'd say yes it is. I'd better make at least a quick research on each particular lens before purchasing it.

Mark Sampson
7-Aug-2024, 13:59
A moment's thought suggested to me that anyone using a 150/210mm lens at f/2.8 will not be interested in sharpness in the corners of the image, or range of movements wide open. So it's likely that any lens that covers the format will do the job... of course those interested in the quality of the bokeh will have strong opinions about particular optics. And that will require some experimentation.

8-Aug-2024, 00:36
Rodenstock Eurynar 3.5/150mm and the Schneider Xenar 3.5/150mm are good lenses. Both are mostly made in the pre war time but a few are coated.
Zeiss made lenses in this speed and focus length as weill. I have a great 3.5/180mm Zeiss Triotar. Wonderful lens and sometimes avaible for small money. Fits into a Compund III shutter!