View Full Version : Metrolux timers

Christopher Nisperos
17-May-2006, 09:51
Does anyone know if this company (I think the actual company name was Redlight Enterprises) still exists?

Keith Pitman
17-May-2006, 10:38
Here's the name and number I have for the company: Carl Mundon, 415-452-9923. I sold my timer a few years ago, and this is the info I had in my address book. Don't know whether they're still operating, but I think Calumet sold their timers at one time.

Eric Biggerstaff
17-May-2006, 10:59
Wasn't the company name Metered Light? They also made the "Pocket Spot" light meter, the URL is no longer working however.

Eric Woodbury
17-May-2006, 11:23
Company still exists. Now it is Metered Light. Website is


Karl Mondon at 415.452.9923. Leave a message and he'll get back to you. MetroLuxes are still available as well as light meters.

Christopher Nisperos
17-May-2006, 11:34
Here's the name and number I have for the company: Carl Mundon, 415-452-9923. I sold my timer a few years ago, and this is the info I had in my address book. Don't know whether they're still operating, but I think Calumet sold their timers at one time.

Thanks, Keith. I think that's the same number I used to have in my ancient address book, too. Anyway, Carl Mundon is the same name, for sure. At the time, I called, and called, and called ... and, if memory serves, I left several messages and never got a response.

Kinda weird .. IMHO, their timer was a very good and useful product at a very reasonable price. If they stopped business altogether, that's one thing. I just wonder why they wouldn't have tried to at least sell their company before stopping.

Anybody have any news?

Christopher Nisperos
17-May-2006, 11:39
Company still exists. Now it is Metered Light. Website is


Karl Mondon at 415.452.9923. Leave a message and he'll get back to you. MetroLuxes are still available as well as light meters.

Thanks alot, Eric. Apparently I was writing my response, above, just as you were writing yours... ships (or posts) passing in the night! I appreciate the information.

Eric Biggerstaff
17-May-2006, 11:52

I can't get that link to work, it is the same as I was trying before. Are you able to visit the site? Just wondering.


Keith Pitman
17-May-2006, 12:17
Metrolux timers are still shown on the Calumet website.

Jerry Flynn
17-May-2006, 13:13
The site is not coming up for me, either. I bought one about two years ago from Calumet, and visited their site within the last couple of months to read up on some directions. It would be too bad if they are gone

Eric Woodbury
17-May-2006, 16:51
Site not working for me either, but it did the other day. I will check up on this, but you all are right, you can currently purchase the timers from Calumet.

Mark Woods
17-May-2006, 18:18
I bought one and it was a major pita to get the correct accessories. I think it took me a month. That said, it's an amazing tool. You can test your shutters speed, check density, compensate time for different size prints. Pretty cool. But very unresponsive person at the other end of the phone. And they do make the pocket spot. He's in San Francisco, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it ;-)


Christopher Nisperos
18-May-2006, 05:50
Site not working for me either, but it did the other day. I will check up on this, but you all are right, you can currently purchase the timers from Calumet.

Me neither. I sent Karl Mundon an email [I]and[I] left a message on his answering machine. If I get a response, I'll post the news here.

I searched their address on Google and I get the feeling that it's a rental mailbox (not that there's anything wrong with that). It's funny that with with such a great reputation for their product these guys (this guy) doesn't take the ball and run. I continue to wish them luck, 'cause --whenever you can talk with them--- their good to deal with!

Eric Woodbury
18-May-2006, 09:08
I spoke with Karl last night. Some billing mix up with the website provider has ended with the provider flushing the website. Karl is taking the opportunity to rebuild it with some changes and it should work again in the near future.

And now for the soapbox:

As I have known Karl for a long time and used Metrolux from the very beginnings, I know that this is not the kind of business that pays the bills. This is a little 'mom and pop shop' providing a product for the fun of it and because we need it. It is not a business with stock holders and employees, it is a little garage somewhere where a couple people that have day jobs make a niffty little gadget for a small percent of the people with darkrooms. And as we all know, darkroom users are not increasing; they are vanishing. It is a miracle that products such as Metrolux exist at all. I'm guessing it won't be long and there won't be MetroLuxes (MetroLuxi ?) at all. I feel lucky to have such a good product that has worked for so long, so well.

Eric Biggerstaff
18-May-2006, 12:44
I do hope they are still around as I was hoping to get one of those great little "Pocket Spot" meters!

It is interesting that all products by Metered Light are not in stock at Calumet as they show either "over due from vendor" or a 3 to 4 week wait. I tried their site again today and it is still not working.

Christopher Nisperos
19-May-2006, 15:16
. . . And now for the soapbox (forgive my editing, Eric):

As I have known Karl for a long time and used Metrolux from the very beginnings, I know that this is not the kind of business that pays the bills..... And as we all know, darkroom users are not increasing; ... I'm guessing it won't be long and there won't be MetroLuxes (MetroLuxi ?) at all. I feel lucky to have such a good product that has worked for so long, so well.


I think everyone who has so far posted on this thread agrees with you and already understands the situation you outlined. I have never met a Metrolux user who didn't adore the product and know that it is made in a workshop, —or on a desktop or kitchen table — rather than a GM-style production line ... That's precisely why we don't b*tch about Karl's involuntary hide'n'seek act!

Relax. Nobody's criticising . . . we just want to get our hands on more goods! Ask him to post on this forum and tell us what we might do to help out. That's free!



19-May-2006, 16:29
I have a Metrolux II that I have had for several years and it is hooked to an Aristo VCL head and has the "probe" for the coldlight. It is one of the finest timers I have ever used. I have an RH Designs Stopclock on my Durst 138s it too is a great piece of equipment also.


Rob Vinnedge
1-Jun-2006, 10:12
I recently ordered a Pocket Spot from Metered Light with very few complications. There was a four week production delay, but the high quality item arrived as promised. I am extremely impressed with this little beauty. If Metered Light is a small operation, I would certainly be tolerant of delays or other irregularities, because the product is well worth it.