View Full Version : Zeiss apochromat planar 206mm 6,3

1-Oct-2023, 00:34

Just bought this lens on auction, but didnt find much about it. I will be grateful for any information.

1-Oct-2023, 01:46
An exerpt from “Lens collectors Vade Mecum”.
Highly recommended reading.

“Apo Planar f6.3. This seems to have a reduced aperture of f10 in longer sizes, eg. 800mm. This lens was listed in the general catalogue for 1901, and its existence was indicated with a warning of extra cost. But the term APO was not used then- it was merely 'reduced secondary spectrum.' It was noted in 1903 for groups and general work, also for 3-colour and astro photography. It can be confused with Series 1a, 2.8-12in focal lengths but seems slower and was a distinct product. Woeltche quotes these as having a secondary spectrum of less than 0.5% of the focal length, using KzF 2 Schott glass for the inner divergent glasses.

These original Apos were symmetrical lenses for work at 1:1. These have not been seen, are probably rare and would be very nice to use as the slower aperture could make for higher contrast and the colour correction will be exceptional for the date. The following are described as 'copying lenses' and have Planar type layout, but may not be the apos mentioned in the footnote”.

Not much.
Enjoy your finding and do not forget to share your experience here!

1-Oct-2023, 02:09
thank you very much

David Lindquist
1-Oct-2023, 08:44
According to Hartmut Thiele's Fabrikationsbuch Photooptik I Carl Zeiss Jena, this 206 mm f/6.3 App-Planar is one of a batch of 10, serial numbers 73,457 - 73,466. Production of this batch began 3 February 1905.


4-Oct-2023, 16:05
Thank you, David!