View Full Version : Compatibility of Compur Shutter Lenses

23-Sep-2023, 13:53
Hello LF!
This is my really first thread, so apologies if there would be any mistake by title and etc. I created this one because I believe I need help of yours with specific lens (or lens types) which I could not any answer to my question on previous threads.

I have years of experience using LF, so I have some level of theoretical knowledge about calculations and making photos. However, I realized that I am quite bad about gear whenever I bought my own LF camera recently (Before I have been used dozens of different cameras and lenses in academy, but never had my own setup in LF). I recently purchased Toyo View 45ax camera from BH Photo and already had my 210mm lens from them which I used before.

In these days, I am desperately trying to find 90 or 100 mm lens which would work with my camera. I am also kind a in hurry since my mom will bring them to Europe where I am currently living. On Adorama I found one lens yet cannot be sure if it would work with mine. I tried to find info on internet, but could not find anything made my mind clear about Compur Shutter lenses. Many examples of them are Technika models on internet and requires additional tools for focusing and etc (This is what I saw on internet) I would be happy if anyone would like to inform me about those lenses(differences with other shutter types, lens board requirements and etc) in general or would tell me if that specific lens would work with my camera.
Here is the link of the lens via Adorama's website;


Thank you already!

Mark J
23-Sep-2023, 15:00
There is a large range of wide angle 90mm lenses, of f/8 , f/5.6 or f/4.5 aperture available, that will all cover your 4x5" format easily, with shift/tilt potential. The lens you linked is particularly affordable.
Do you have a budget in mind, or a feeling about weight ? The f/5.6 options from Schneider, Rodenstock , Nikon ( f/4.5 ) or Fuji will be a little easier to focus indoors, but heavier and more expensive.
More compact lenses of 100 or 105mm focal length like Symmars and Sironars will not be able to cover the 4x5" format properly so should be avoided.

Dan Fromm
23-Sep-2023, 15:31
1) Get the user manual. I couldn't find any for the 45ax but a manual for the very similar 45 AII is here: https://butkus.org/chinon/toyo-view/toyo-view.htm

2) The lens you're considering will work on your camera on a flat board. To mount it you'll need a lens board that fits the camera that's been bored for a #0 shutter. There are two sizes of Toyo lens board, the AX II takes a 110 mm square board. Sorry, I can't help you find one.

3) Not to insult you, but you don't seem to know a lot. www.toyoview.com doesn't seem very useful. This site may have information that you can use. If you're looking for more general information and, especially, info about lenses the first post in this https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?138978-Where-to-look-for-information-on-LF-(mainly)-lenses has a link to a list of annotated links to sources of information. The list is a pdf whose index is a set of bookmarks. The bookmarks don't work with on-line pdf readers, you'll have to download it and read it with, e.g., Adobe Reader.

Oren Grad
23-Sep-2023, 15:39
One other point - note that the condition rating for the lens you're looking at is "V", which is one of the lower grades at Adorama.

"Barrel appears well used and may include dings, scrapes/scratches, heavy brassing. Lens glass may have marks or haze that should not affect picture quality."

I've purchased only a handful of used items from Adorama over the years and nothing recently, so I can't advise on how accurate their grading is.

1-Oct-2023, 16:41
Thanks for reply Mark
I do not worry about the weight of the lens at all, yet budget in my mind is in between $300-400. I am aware that 4.5 / 5.6 would make things easier in some cases, but worked with several f/8 lenses at indoor conditions. I should be fine. I would prefer better condition, sharp f/8 rather than average f/5.6.
I bought several used items from B&H before, but never had anything from Adorama. Thanks to Oren Grad who also replied, I decided to look for another lens since he mentioned his worries about Adorama's grading accuracy.

1-Oct-2023, 16:43
One other point - note that the condition rating for the lens you're looking at is "V", which is one of the lower grades at Adorama.

"Barrel appears well used and may include dings, scrapes/scratches, heavy brassing. Lens glass may have marks or haze that should not affect picture quality."

I've purchased only a handful of used items from Adorama over the years and nothing recently, so I can't advise on how accurate their grading is.

Thank you for your reply Oren
I decided to look for other lens since you mentioned your worries about Adorama's grading system. Appreciated!

1-Oct-2023, 16:47
1) Get the user manual. I couldn't find any for the 45ax but a manual for the very similar 45 AII is here: https://butkus.org/chinon/toyo-view/toyo-view.htm

2) The lens you're considering will work on your camera on a flat board. To mount it you'll need a lens board that fits the camera that's been bored for a #0 shutter. There are two sizes of Toyo lens board, the AX II takes a 110 mm square board. Sorry, I can't help you find one.

3) Not to insult you, but you don't seem to know a lot. www.toyoview.com doesn't seem very useful. This site may have information that you can use. If you're looking for more general information and, especially, info about lenses the first post in this https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?138978-Where-to-look-for-information-on-LF-(mainly)-lenses has a link to a list of annotated links to sources of information. The list is a pdf whose index is a set of bookmarks. The bookmarks don't work with on-line pdf readers, you'll have to download it and read it with, e.g., Adobe Reader.

Thank you for your reply Dan
I already have the user manual (printed one) but also nice to have link for easy access. My camera takes also 110mm square board also, I already have copal#0 one, will order from B&H based on the lens I will purchase.
For PDF you shared, I am so appreciated, it is heaven.

2-Oct-2023, 02:39
Toyo made a Linhof adaptor for their 45 cameras. It's not particularly cheap, but is very well made and allows the use of lenses mounted in Linhof flat and recessed boards. I have a Toyo Field 45A and use the adaptor. The only issues are that it must be removed to close the camera, and the adaptor projects in front of the standard and thus adds a couple of mm extension. I have used it with a Fujinon NSWD 65mm f5.6 in a recessed board and it focusses on infinity just fine.