View Full Version : Lee Adapter Rings and Lens Caps

11-Sep-2023, 09:09
I have a series of the adapter rings that allow me to mount my Lee Bellows hood on my various lenses. I would like to leave them on my lenses, but I can't figure out a suitable cap that would seal off the front element. On my 180 I used a 58mm skylight because those are common enough, but on my 8x10 lenses I just don't have a bunch of expensive large filters laying around.

Any ideas? Something I could 3D print?

Keith Pitman
11-Sep-2023, 09:30
Probably the correct size of snap cap will fit.

11-Sep-2023, 20:45
Lee apparently still sells a cap for this purpose:

http://https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/491475-REG/LEE_Filters_LENSCAP_White_Adapter_Ring_Caps.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&smpm=ba_f2_lar&lsft=BI%3A514&gbraid=0AAAAAD7yMh0jz4a3IGl-0uqUB6GxC-l8X&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fqnBhDSARIsAHlcQYR2jBs-lE0hYLyJbah9cyyPWgTV3Qh0MmbHosskErCb85Qnnb_q3EoaAvYkEALw_wcB (https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/491475-REG/LEE_Filters_LENSCAP_White_Adapter_Ring_Caps.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&smpm=ba_f2_lar&lsft=BI%3A514&gbraid=0AAAAAD7yMh0jz4a3IGl-0uqUB6GxC-l8X&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fqnBhDSARIsAHlcQYR2jBs-lE0hYLyJbah9cyyPWgTV3Qh0MmbHosskErCb85Qnnb_q3EoaAvYkEALw_wcB")

However, the fit over the ring is not very good. I suppose better than nothing. It could be that they have changed the design since I bought them last about 10 years ago.

At one time “The Filter Dude” made an excellent silicone rubber cap that fits very well and really seals out dirt. But that person/company seems to be out of business. So glad I got mine when they were available.


Jason Greenberg Motamedi
11-Sep-2023, 21:07
https://www.thefilterdude.com/ ?

13-Sep-2023, 20:26
Grab ‘em while you can!