View Full Version : Fairly recently Expired Tmax 400 in Pyrocat

13-Jul-2023, 13:48
I have a box of 50 sheets of relatively recently (2020) expired 400 TMAX, that has been frozen for most of it's life with maybe a few odd stints at room temperature. I'm sure it's fine, but I was just curious if there are any recommendations for developer, or against the developer I plan to use. I plan to use either Pyrocat MC or HD in a JOBO 3010 rotary to produce "regular" negatives for scanning/printing and also some negs with a higher CI for Pt/pd. (not in the same neg though, different shots and different development times. Please let me know if you think that will work.

I'll of course do tests, but I want to shoot some this weekend and it's what I have on hand!

Mark Sampson
13-Jul-2023, 16:09
Normal development (in your pyrocat) should work fine. Without doing tests, I'd say give another stop exposure. The film can handle it, and that will help get your shadows past any age-related fog that might (or might not) be there.

Larry Gebhardt
13-Jul-2023, 16:51
I have some frozen stock that’s a decade older and it doesn’t need much more exposure, but I normally shoot it at 200 to begin with. Yours should be fine at the speed you normally shoot it at or with half stop more if you want to be cautious.

Drew Wiley
13-Jul-2023, 17:05
If it was 20 years old even frozen, I might have a question mark about it until specifically tested. But a 2020 expiration date is nothing. Don't do anything different in terms of exposure or development.