View Full Version : Wista handheld?

27-Jun-2023, 21:29
Hello. I have both a Wista 45DX and also a 45D. Both are great cameras and they both get a lot of use. There is a distance scale on the 45D set for a 135mm lens, which I have. How was this expected to be used in the field as in how are you supposed to handhold it, focus it, and snap a picture? This also brings up the question of how this is done on the 45RF? Obviously they expect you to use the rangefinder but I’ve never seen any grips or attachments to make this doable as it is on a Linhof Technika or even a Speed. I’d like to use the feature occasionally on the D but not sure how Wista expected this to be done. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

28-Jun-2023, 01:46
My guess is to use it like a press camera: hyperfocal distance or what you expect the subject to be, close aperture far enough to have everything in focus and use a b****y large flash (that is also your grip). I really don't see another option. With the slow film that we still have left at our disposition and the relatively slow lenses there is no way to get at high enough shutter speed to avoid blur.

Tin Can
28-Jun-2023, 02:48
I have Wista RF 45

and Speeds

However I mostly handhold 45 Printed camera with tiny Honeywell flash bulb Zone focus

I add weight with Horseman QR

I have examples

John Layton
28-Jun-2023, 03:17
I've seen a new Linhof anatomical grips around for sale...and I'm thinking that maybe either you or a local machinist could drill and tap the appropriate holes so the grip would fit. Make sense? Alternately...DIY your own grip.

Tin Can
28-Jun-2023, 05:59
B&H has new


28-Jun-2023, 06:12
B&H has new

Only twice the price of a Wista 45D...

Tin Can
28-Jun-2023, 06:18
Not my problem

Only twice the price of a Wista 45D...

Paul Ron
28-Jun-2023, 10:31
my 45d (i think its a d) has a handle on the side. ive never tried using it hand held, the camera is too heavy and im sure it would be very clumsey holding in one hand focusing or inserting a film holder.

perhaps setting up like a press camera, pre load film, dof focusing... etc, it may work.

Oren Grad
28-Jun-2023, 14:28
I've hand-held both 6x9 Horseman VH-R and 4x5 Linhof Master Technika with just the strap, no grip - I put my left hand through the strap and grip the body toward the front of the camera, and provide some support with my right hand as well. You'll need to try it for yourself to see whether that works for you.

That said, I'm at a point in life where I find a 4x5 Technika or Wista way too heavy and unwieldy for hand-holding. It's not that it can't be done, but it's very uncomfortable and also a very limiting way to work, as in most situations where I want to make pictures the conditions don't allow the shutter/aperture combinations I'd need for a decent yield of technically acceptable negatives with 4x5. And at the cost per sheet in both money and darkroom time, it doesn't make sense to push the envelope on the settings in hopes of the very occasional lucky break. But YMMV.

28-Jun-2023, 14:40
The Wista RF's usually have a adjustable hand strap on the left side. You adjust the strap so that it is a snug fit when you slide your hand between the strap and the camera body. With your had in that position you can wrap your fingers around the side to get a good grip on the camera. Focusing and inserting the film honlders are done with the right hand.

I have done this with my Bush Pressman and a Crown Graphic and Horseman 980. The advantage of this method is that your hand is closer to the camera thereby reducing the amount of effort needed to hold the camera horizontally.

If your camera does not have a rangefinder it was not really designed for handheld use - but could be used that way by measuring the distance and setting the front standard to the proper distance.

If it doesn't have a strap on the side then some sort of L-shaped bracket can be attached to the tripod hole at the bottom.

EDIT: Oren and I posted at the same time.

28-Jun-2023, 15:57
Tin Can, how do you like the RF? How do you fire the shutter handheld?

In regards to the left hand strap, the big issue on the D (and SP) are the micro swing knobs are in the way if you want to put your hand through it. It just seems that if they put the distance scale on there they had some plan for people to use it in a quicker fashion than always using a tripod. Just seems like that’s where the thought ended with them.

Tin Can
29-Jun-2023, 04:05
I use Gaff tape a lot NOT DUCT TAPE

I just tape a short shutter cable where I want it

I handhold all kinds of sheet film cameras

Tin Can, how do you like the RF? How do you fire the shutter handheld?

In regards to the left hand strap, the big issue on the D (and SP) are the micro swing knobs are in the way if you want to put your hand through it. It just seems that if they put the distance scale on there they had some plan for people to use it in a quicker fashion than always using a tripod. Just seems like that’s where the thought ended with them.