View Full Version : 16 Days in the Tray

17-Apr-2023, 10:14
Ilford Multigrade Fiber based paper won't sherd its emulsion, no matter what! Is this a good thing?


Michael R
17-Apr-2023, 10:20
It might not come right off but it will almost certainly be less resistant and have a shorter effective lifespan. Excessive wet times are always bad.

Drew Wiley
17-Apr-2023, 10:35
There are several varieties of MG FB, so don't make generic claims. Second, all kinds of other not so good things are going on; and let's see how that thing hold up during drymounting or over the long run. I already know. Donate it to the trashcan. Even overnight is way too long.

17-Apr-2023, 11:13
Even overnight is way too long.

Curious...is this something related to current fiber printing papers? I ask because my standard processing routine for washing back in the 80's was to run a wash for about an hour, let the prints soak overnight, then run another brief wash the next morning. Many of these prints are mounted and, in my portfolio, and, to this day they look fine.

Tin Can
17-Apr-2023, 11:25
I have thrown out many soggy falling apart student fiber prints in a college DR

Before I washed mine

I also cleaned all the screens and made sure mine were on top rack only

It was a large DR, endless chemistry, I always mix fresh

and I prefer to be alone

All those 25 year old mounted prints remain in perfect condition

Michael R
17-Apr-2023, 11:58
Agreed letting prints soak overnight was always bad practice. Kodak etc. always said minimizing wet time was the way to go for photographic materials, including film.

There are several varieties of MG FB, so don't make generic claims. Second, all kinds of other not so good things are going on; and let's see how that thing hold up during drymounting or over the long run. I already know. Donate it to the trashcan. Even overnight is way too long.

17-Apr-2023, 13:08
What is everyone missing? I am NOT trying to keep this print or do anything other than float the emulsion off. I wanted to see if the paper without the emulsion dries any differently than a normal print. Normal to me is fix-rinse-hypoclear-rinse, wash for 25 minutes-dry. But THX anyway!

Michael R
17-Apr-2023, 13:42
Nobody's missing anything. It's just you know some guy will come across this thread in a google search, not read anything and think a 16 day wash is A OK. :)

What is everyone missing? I am NOT trying to keep this print or do anything other than float the emulsion off. I wanted to see if the paper without the emulsion dries any differently than a normal print. Normal to me is fix-rinse-hypoclear-rinse, wash for 25 minutes-dry. But THX anyway!

17-Apr-2023, 13:45
What is everyone missing? I am NOT trying to keep this print or do anything other than float the emulsion off. I wanted to see if the paper without the emulsion dries any differently than a normal print. Normal to me is fix-rinse-hypoclear-rinse, wash for 25 minutes-dry. But THX anyway!

Thank you for sharing. We are all the beneficiaries of your investigation. I was going to repeat the experiment but, while I have Ilford paper, a jug of hypo clear, and a tray, Gepe glass slide mounts are to rich for my blood. How are you going to incorporate what you learned into your workflow?