View Full Version : E6 Troublshooting (weird splotch on 5x7 transparency)

19-Dec-2022, 15:32

I processed about 8 5x7 ektachrome transparencies, and this was the only one that had the weird purple streak! The sheet did not come into contact with the side of the tank (stayed in the reel the whole time), and I followed the unicolor directions exactly. The temperature was maintained using a sous vide at 100 F. I am not trying to salvage this negative (I will try in photoshop), but only trying to prevent it from happening again given the price of large format slide film.

Thank you!

19-Dec-2022, 15:39
Is it possible you got the film slightly wet when you loaded it or unloaded it? The direction kind of indicates that to me. Getting the film prematurely (and unevenly) wet usually does not end well.

19-Dec-2022, 16:49
Is it possible you got the film slightly wet when you loaded it or unloaded it? The direction kind of indicates that to me. Getting the film prematurely (and unevenly) wet usually does not end well.

YES, it is, and this was my original assumption. I was taking pictures in a cold, wet forest, and I was thinking that when I got in my car with the heat condensation could have caused a big droplet, OR when I was loading the film onto the reel in the dark bag. Do you think it would do this to the emulsion, though?

20-Dec-2022, 09:43
I've seen water do something similar to B&W film. I can only assume E6 would have the same issue. Do you pre-wet when developing E-6? It's possible that might help if the film got wet just prior to development.