View Full Version : My Old Notebook from the Yosemite Workshop

14-Dec-2022, 17:41
In 1971 I spent a week in Yosemite, at Ansel Adams' Workshop. This is the notebook they handed out.


15-Dec-2022, 00:18
great stuff! You must be a happy man having joined such a course. Probably your life has changed a lot since then.
Thanks for sharing and that video

15-Dec-2022, 17:22
Thanks for the kind words. Ansel's course and the Friends of Photography was a very special time. Glad you appreciated it. and Merry Christmas!

Alan Klein
15-Dec-2022, 18:43
Thanks for posting that. Where did Admas say to take the spot reading and apply it?

Conrad . Marvin
16-Dec-2022, 10:24
Thanks for bringing back the memories. I was fortunate enough to go to Yosemite for one of the last workshops that AA gave and met lots of interesting people while learning a great deal. He was still active and willing to climb around on the rocks with us even though he had had heart surgery only a few months before. (he called it pig valve day) I think that it was John Sexton’s first year as assistant and he was kept very busy organizing everything for the “Grand old man of photography “
Thanks again for reminding me of those special times.

16-Dec-2022, 10:58
Though I was not fortunate enough to attend one of Ansel's workshops, I followed everything he and Mr. Sexton did and was a long-time member of the Friends of Photography. I have several of the special print offers--John Sexton and Alan Ross, for example--hanging on the walls of my home. As Conrad said...thanks for the memories!

John Layton
16-Dec-2022, 12:32
How I miss those days...many thanks for bringing a very important/formative slice from that era back for us!

16-Dec-2022, 18:48
Thanks for posting that. Where did Admas say to take the spot reading and apply it?

At minimum you wanted to read the shadows (zone III) and the highlites (zone VII) then depending on the range between them, you determine your development time. Expose for the shadows, develop for the highlites was the mantra. If the range between your measurements was too great, you would shorten the development time, if it was too small you would increase development time.

John Sexton
16-Dec-2022, 20:51
In 1971 I spent a week in Yosemite, at Ansel Adams' Workshop. This is the notebook they handed out.

Thanks for sharing your video and memories. It seems as if we missed meeting one another by two years. I attended Ansel's Yosemite workshop in June 1973 - two years after you. I think we both had amazing experiences. Good luck with your LED enlarger light source. One thing is for sure...for me the darkroom is a place where - on a good day - magic can happen!

Durst L184
17-Dec-2022, 07:41
I was quite moved by your post. Thanks so much. I can imagine that it would be hard for you not to think about your experience almost daily.

18-Dec-2022, 01:39
in those days when we often think about our past life, we very often see a better world.
Things has changed but our experience with all the stuff remains and helps us to live the way we have chosen.
Seeing Johns answer on this is such a deep impression, he's the link, maybe one oft he last, between them who changed photography so much and our present being.

Alan Klein
18-Dec-2022, 18:15
in those days when we often think about our past life, we very often see a better world.
Things has changed but our experience with all the stuff remains and helps us to live the way we have chosen.
Seeing Johns answer on this is such a deep impression, he's the link, maybe one oft he last, between them who changed photography so much and our present being.

Fortunately, we tend to forget the miserable parts of it.

18-Dec-2022, 20:46
I was quite moved by your post. Thanks so much. I can imagine that it would be hard for you not to think about your experience almost daily.

Thanks for the kind words. I'll tell you this: going back into the darkroom after all trhgese years is like reconnecting with an old girlfriend!