View Full Version : Prontor PRO 01S Shutter - Cable Release / Double Cable Release

Ig Nacio
12-Dec-2022, 20:43

I am about to start using a lens with a so called Prontor PRO 01S Shutter:

I think I need a double cable release for this shutter. If so, where could I get a good one?

By good, I just mean that the 'pushing filament', if you will, may be long enough. The
filament that pushes the little 'button' that releases the shutter.

I am currently using a single cable release for other lenses. I stopped using them because
it was not long enough to push the little 'button' that releases the shutter.

That's why your suggestions for single and double cable releases is appreciated.

Thank you in advance, kind regards,

Ig : )!!!

13-Dec-2022, 19:23
FYI in case you don't know, the Prontor shutters can be operated by a single release if you want to, that's how I use mine, the red cable port fires the shutter and the white port is used only for composition/focus and to check depth of field. You would just need a locking release on the white port to compose and the switch it to the red port to fire, or to use two separate cable releases, otherwise if you want the full function of the shutter you would need the Prontor remote that goes with it, I don't know of any other double release that would work correctly. The Prontor remotes can often be found on EBay.