View Full Version : Holes in 8x10 film after processing

3-Dec-2022, 03:20

I'm Developing 8x10 sheet film in a Jobo 4531 drum but I have noticed that there are some kind of holes in the base film, like if the base was pulled or scratched by someting.

The inside part of the drum looks to be fine so I have no clue why is going on. Do anybody knows why this is happening and how to avoid it?

Here you can see how it looks like:



3-Dec-2022, 04:27
A sharp object touched the emulsion side, most likely when the film was wet. Notoriously this can be a corner of the very sheet you were processing - as you curl the sheet inward to remove it from the drum, one of the bottom corners can curl inward too far and scratch the emulsion. Other objects are possible as well, of course.

Avoid it by handling wet film with care. It's also less likely to happen on emulsions that are more hardened like TMAX vs. softer emulsion films like Fomapan.

3-Dec-2022, 05:06
I agree. What I see appear to be handling defects.

Perhaps you could tell us more about the film and the circumstances under which the film is loaded, unload and stored, at each stage, this would be helpful.

There seems to be a fair amount of dust, hair and scratch defects on the emulsion surface.