View Full Version : Searching for super long lenses 600mm plus

10-Oct-2022, 17:49
I’m looking to expand my lens arsenal, I’ve noticed lately a lot of my shots requires some sort of cropping after development and subjects that I can’t easily get to. Does anyone have any recommendations for longer lenses.

I’ve been looking at the 1200mm Nikkor T ED lens which is nice since the back elements for different lengths.

But I wanted to ask more experienced folks in this matter.

11-Oct-2022, 11:48
What you have to decide first is whether you want a telephoto (less bellows draw, less coverage, higher price) or a regular/normal lens (more coverage, more bellows draw needed, and usually less expensive).

Bernice Loui
11-Oct-2022, 12:04
What can your current camera accommodate/support for lenses?

Does the camera have enough extension/bellows for a really long lens ala 1200mm that is NOT a telephoto design.. as in this example.

Or does the camera have limited extension/bellows extension ala field folder. This IS the deciding factor to what lens can be used on your current view camera.

Keep these number in mind, your current camera must accomodate these distances plus some extra for focus margin.

The flange-to-focal (ftf) distances for infinity focus of your Nikkor-T-ED lenses are:

600mm T-ED ftf = 409.2mm (16.1")
800mm T-ED ftf = 527.4mm (20.8")
1200mm T-ED ftf = 755.7mm (29.8")


I’m looking to expand my lens arsenal, I’ve noticed lately a lot of my shots requires some sort of cropping after development and subjects that I can’t easily get to. Does anyone have any recommendations for longer lenses.

I’ve been looking at the 1200mm Nikkor T ED lens which is nice since the back elements for different lengths.

But I wanted to ask more experienced folks in this matter.

Mark Sampson
11-Oct-2022, 12:34
...and what size film are you shooting?
there are several recent threads on this site about the use of very long lenses, including some actual pictures. It's worth reading through them.

Tin Can
11-Oct-2022, 13:35
I seldom use my rare Jena Tessar 900mm f9 (https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/carl-zeiss-jena-90cm-f9-apo-tessar-426939772)

It weighs a lot, needs very stout camera with long bellows especially in studio

I use a big Packard shutter

and shoot 11X14

11-Oct-2022, 22:15
I seldom use my rare Jena Tessar 900mm f9 (https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/carl-zeiss-jena-90cm-f9-apo-tessar-426939772) It weighs a lot, needs very stout camera with long bellows especially in studio

The one your message links to is in brass (and looks uncoated). Those are really heavy. I have a later one in Aluminum, and its weight is much more reasonable.

Tin Can
12-Oct-2022, 04:36
Good for you!

I bought what I could at that time, works fine on my Studio 11X14 Deardorff

I may have a BIGGER box in the works, it covers 24X36"

The one your message links to is in brass (and looks uncoated). Those are really heavy. I have a later one in Aluminum, and its weight is much more reasonable.

12-Oct-2022, 17:42
I'm interested in things one might photograph with these lenses. I know some of Feininger's work but more recent super-long-LF images, not that familiar.