View Full Version : Schneider Super Symmar 110mm XL…? Should I get one?

27-Sep-2022, 11:27
Hi all, I’ve been looking for a lighter weight wide angle lens for 5x7 and the Schneider super Symmar 110mm XL seems to be the one getting the most use/recommendations. Is it really worth it? I have used a 115mm Grandagon in the past and I liked the performance but it was big and heavier than I’d like to take along on backpacking trips.
Anyone have one to sell me?
Let me know your thoughts.

27-Sep-2022, 11:46
Gosh, on 8x10 the Grandagon 115mm is tiny :)

Richard Wasserman
27-Sep-2022, 12:03
The 110mm SSXL is one of my all time favorite lenses. I've been using mine since they were first released. I shoot primarily 4x5, but have also used it on 4x10 where it performed very well with a center filter.

Bernice Loui
27-Sep-2022, 12:05
Previosly discussed..

Do a LFF search on 110mm f5.6 Symmar XL, Lots of post on this topic. Good modern wide angle lens, but it is not a miracle/magical lens.
