View Full Version : Schneider 150/265 Compur Missing Locating Screw

HT Finley
20-Sep-2022, 12:28
I have a Schneider 150/265 convertible Symmar Technika in Compur shutter. The shutter is missing its lensboard locating screw. The one that has a shoulder on it that sticks up to drop into a little hole drilled in the lensboard to keep the lens from turning around. Where am I going to dig up one of those pin screws? Thank you.

Bernice Loui
20-Sep-2022, 12:41
Not needed.. These locating screw/pins often cause more problems than they solve.

Once the shutter is firmly secured by the threaded lock ring, that shutter is not going to move unless the shutter is subjected to WAY excessive rotating force. No locating screw/pin allows the shutter to be rotated to a position that is more ergonomic. This could be a shutter orientation that allows easier visual for lens aperture and/or shutter speed and placing the shutter cable release position that is not overly bendy on the cable release.

Do not over tighten the shutter lock ring to the lens board, this can and does produce significant grief in the future when the lens needs to come off the lens board.


I have a Schneider 150/265 convertible Symmar Technika in Compur shutter. The shutter is missing its lensboard locating screw. The one that has a shoulder on it that sticks up to drop into a little hole drilled in the lensboard to keep the lens from turning around. Where am I going to dig up one of those pin screws? Thank you.

HT Finley
20-Sep-2022, 12:53
Thank you. Honestly I don't have the lens yet. Before I pull the trigger, I notice it also doesn't have the mounting ring. I bet finding another ring would make this lens a bad deal by the time I bought a ring also.

Bernice Loui
20-Sep-2022, 13:24
That shutter lock/retaning ring will not be low cost. Price one before considering this lens..

It is a Linhof select with the Linhof deco compur shutter ring. Very possible this shutter will need a CLA service, adding to the initial cost of ownership. Specific lens example should be tested lots before ownership consideration.

Given there were LOTs of these convertable Symmars made in this focal lenght.. This specific example should be bargain $ better to wait for another example of the same lens.


Thank you. Honestly I don't have the lens yet. Before I pull the trigger, I notice it also doesn't have the mounting ring. I bet finding another ring would make this lens a bad deal by the time I bought a ring also.

20-Sep-2022, 15:37
I agree with Bernice, the pins are absolutely "Not needed". As for the retaining ring. Twice I found it cheaper to purchase a broken shutter that came with a retaining ring rather than have one custom made. Buying used retaining rings can be a crap shoot - the seller usually doesn't know what shutter the retaining ring was for or fit, and if you ask for its dimensions... Well, one time the seller told me it was "around 2 inches in diameter" which was absolutely of no use to me

HT Finley
20-Sep-2022, 15:55
Thanks people. You set me straight. If I bought that I would have just another repair project on my hands. I already have a backlog of projects. Besides I think I'd rather have someting older like a 5 1/ or 6 inch lens in a Betax shutter or something like that. Just something for my Super Graphic to get a little rise or swing out of the front standard for X-ray film mostly, I would imagine. It already has a nice 127 Ektar in a Compur shutter with matching cam. But you can't do any movement with it.

Robert Opheim
20-Sep-2022, 16:21
You might try S K Grimmes for a retaining ring. I bought one for an old Betax shutter a while back from them. https://skgrimes.com/

22-Sep-2022, 15:19
Well shutter retaining rings can be had for less than $10 from China, just look on eBay. Bought some myself and they are OK... not a lot than can go wrong !

Kevin Crisp
23-Sep-2022, 06:42
Wouldn't this be just a basic compur and copal 1 ring? Not hard or pricey to find one?

David Lindquist
23-Sep-2022, 08:04
Wouldn't this be just a basic compur and copal 1 ring? Not hard or pricey to find one?

That's what I was thinking. In any case the OP has evidently decided to pass on this. I do like the cosmetics on this, the black shutter face. Per its serial number the lens was made between February 1961 and March 1963.


Bernice Loui
23-Sep-2022, 12:01
The precision/accuracy of threads is often not appreciated until on tries to make threads on metal parts. Only then will the appreciation of tolerances/precision/accuracy invovled can become fully appreciated and how thread making can go so very, very, very wrong in too many ways.

Vast production of these threaded parts are done using modern extremely remarkable cnc machine tools.. which are another wonder all to their own and another not often appreciated facet of modern techo world of today.


Well shutter retaining rings can be had for less than $10 from China, just look on eBay. Bought some myself and they are OK... not a lot than can go wrong !