View Full Version : No rangefinder

7-Sep-2022, 08:01
Looking at a century graphic with no rangefinder. What potential problems does this represent for focusing a shot? Thanks

7-Sep-2022, 08:50
No issue if you plan on focusing using the ground glass.

If you plan on using different focal length lenses, then the rangefinder is not as useful as it will not be calibrated to those lenses..

Some have a scale on the rails that can be used to set the focusing distance.
One can use the hyperfocus (correct spelling?) distance...set the combo of focus and aperture that insures the area you want will be in focus (10 feet to infinity, for example), and not worry about focus.

7-Sep-2022, 11:07
Depends on if it comes with a ground glass back or not.
Otherwise, people have claimed success with an electronic rangefinder and focus scale on the bed.

19-Sep-2022, 05:46

https://i.ibb.co/BKHDNqF/Dal1.jpg (https://ibb.co/gFb1Vzh)

https://i.ibb.co/9cwwHR6/Dal2.jpg (https://ibb.co/wBJJhDV)

Dan Fromm
19-Sep-2022, 07:00
Depends on if it comes with a ground glass back or not.
Otherwise, people have claimed success with an electronic rangefinder and focus scale on the bed.

Vaughan and ic, these old crocks have been messed with so much that there's no guarantee that the focusing scale in the bed is correct for the lens now fitted.

OP, if it doesn't have a focusing panel, run away. Its been a while since I looked at 2x3 Graphics offered on eBay. When I did, an unpleasantly large fraction had roll holders attached and no focusing panel.