View Full Version : a tin type processing question

Rick L
24-Aug-2022, 14:29
I was at a local living history museum today doing some shots for them and one of the gardeners came up and asked me a question

she had a tin type photo of her children taken at a civil war re-enactment several years ago - its been stored in a drawer, but she took it out recently and the image had gone very dark, nearly totally gone. she wanted to know if anything could be done to restore it -

I told her my first thought was that it had not been properly fixed and the image was lost. but, not being a tin type shooter I told her I would ask the question here in case I was wrong and there is a fix.

so - can anything be done for a darkened tin type image to recover it?


Mark Sawyer
24-Aug-2022, 14:58
Without seeing it, I'd guess it wasn't varnished. That can happen at events where there's a hurry to get the tintypes to the customers. Sorry, no fix I know of.

Rick L
24-Aug-2022, 15:06
Without seeing it, I'd guess it wasn't varnished. That can happen at events where there's a hurry to get the tintypes to the customers. Sorry, no fix I know of.

thanks -I didn't see it either- that was my guess, that it was not properly finished in some way - i was looking on line and saw the varnish step- that was new to me

Tin Can
24-Aug-2022, 15:10
Maybe scan and adjust and do what DIGI does best

It's a memory NOT Fine Art

I have fixed many old pics