View Full Version : Carlsbad flooding

Gary Beasley
24-Aug-2022, 05:42
You may have seen news on Carlsbad Caverns park having flash flooding. I found a youtube video showing the flash flood firsthand as it hit the roads leading in to the park.

Tin Can
24-Aug-2022, 05:49
I saw the first frame on news

Dude, I read all the 'Dude' comments

You may have seen news on Carlsbad Caverns park having flash flooding. I found a youtube video showing the flash flood firsthand as it hit the roads leading in to the park.

Drew Wiley
24-Aug-2022, 11:31
Severe sudden flooding all over the country, even numerous areas all over the world. I was amazed that people were even allowed to be hiking in the Zion Narrows during this time of the year. The main paved roads through Death Valley NP have been cleared and re-opened for thru-traffic; but many of the side roads to popular sights might take another year or two to repair. Then you hear all this talk on the News networks about a "once in a thousand year flood" here or there. We'll see about that. I remember when a once in a thousand year flood came five years in a row to a certain river drainage. And now things are far more problematic.

Interesting flick. I once barely beat something like that unexpectedly coming straight over a highway across a desert playa. Not a cloud in sight. Flashfloods are an impressive force of nature, and with little to impede them in the desert, can move far very fast.

25-Aug-2022, 10:08
I thought those floods where in Karlovy Vary, the real Carlsbad.