View Full Version : Nikon Nikkor W 360mm: coverage beyond 11x14?

Michael Wellman
1-Aug-2022, 09:49
Looking to get something a little wide for my 14x17. Judging by the information on lenses on this website the Schneider APO Symmar 360mm and the Nikon Nikkor W 360mm are my best choices. I have heard a lot about the Schneider lens but I haven't really heard anything about the Nikkor lens. Unlike its big brother the Nikkor 450 mm lens many people rave about you don't hear much about it. Does anyone have any thoughts on the Nikkor? Is there much difference between these two lenses which seem to be similar on paper. thanks

Tin Can
1-Aug-2022, 09:55
Nikkor 360 has more coverage than 450

Look it up

1-Aug-2022, 10:27
Unfortunately I can only compare the 360mm Nikkor W to a 355mm f/9 G-Claron, and I just shoot with a "smaller format" 11x14 Chamonix without a fresnel. Both mounted in Sinar boards, the G-Claron weighs 2 pounds 4 ounces and the Nikkor 3 pounds 7 ounces. Nikkor weighs a bit more and is a bit larger, but compare focusing the f/6.5 Nikkor to the f/9 G-Claron... a huge difference in practice in my opinion. I have shot some architectural shots with a very generous amount of front rise, and have never had a problem with coverage. From Nikon's lens literature: "Image circle (f/22) ø494mm (11" x 14")"... I have never measured the image circle but "ø494mm" I think is very conservative measurement, and I most commonly shoot at f/64. Probably not much help here, but I have been 100% satisfied with the 360mm Nikkor W.

Michael Wellman
1-Aug-2022, 12:24
Thanks Greg. The lens coverage you quote is the same that is posted on the LFPF 'Lens Comparrison' chart.

Tin Can: thanks, but i wasn't asking about the 360 Nikkor in comparison to its bigger brother the 450. I brought it up only because I have heard a lot of talk about the 450 but really don't hear anyone talk about the 360mm but you are correct the the 360 has much better coverage.

1-Aug-2022, 12:34
I ... really don't hear anyone talk about the 360mm...

I found this thread in about 30 seconds: https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?14398-Nikkor-W-360mm

I have the lens, but your questions are awfully vague. It's a good, modern 360mm lens. The published specs are reliable. Between two modern 360mm lenses with comparable design, coverage and aperture I'd be mostly interested in condition and price.

Oren Grad
1-Aug-2022, 12:35
You can't tell from the manufacturer-specified coverage. The 450 M, like the G-Clarons, has a reputation for delivering usable coverage well beyond specification if you stop down past f/22. Of course, usable coverage is in the eye of the beholder, but FWIW I'm in the camp that does find the longer G-Clarons usable for ULF when stopped way down.

The 360 Nikkor W is a different design from the Nikkor M series, and you can't conclude anything about the former from the behavior of the latter. I do have the 360 Apo-Symmar, and per specification it covers 11x14 comfortably - I've shot 11x14 with it myself and confirmed that. But it doesn't gain coverage as you stop down further in the way that the G-Clarons do. I've never used the 360 Nikkor W so can't tell you anything about it beyond what the specifications say.

7-Aug-2022, 20:13
Hi Michael,

I have the Nikon NIKKOR-M 450mm f9 Lens and had the Nikon NIKKOR-W 360mm f6.5 Lens. I found that the 450mm lens covers 16x20 nicely (yes, I shoot 16x20), while the 360mm lens vignettes badly on 16x20. My guess (based upon the area of my 16x20 negatives that did not vignette with this lens) is that the 360mm *might* cover 12x15 but not much more. If you are thinking about using it for 14x17, I would suggest trying it on 14x17 before buying or make sure that you can return the lens if it does not cover 14x17.

I also have a Schneider G-CLARON 355mm f9 lens and stopped down to f45 or so covers 16x20, so I would recommend the Schneider for 14x17 if you are set on the 360mm focal length. I second Greg's observations about shooting with a f6.5 lens versus a f9 lens. You have not stated what kind of lighting you will be photographing in, so that information would also help us suggest lenses. And you can always consult Angus Young's list of ULF|14x17 Lenses:



7-Aug-2022, 20:35
I use a Fuji W 360mm -- slight less coverage than the Nikkor W 360 (at f22, 485mm vs. 494mm).

I found near infinity, the Fuji W 360mm needs to be at f16 (if careful and straight on) or smaller apertures (with front movements) to cover well. I was hoping for a little more coverage on the 11x14 when I got the lens, but it works.

Tin Can
8-Aug-2022, 03:30
Not tested by me past 11X14

However I consider my Nikon 360mm f/6.5 Nikkor-W Lens with Copal #3 Shutter

To be 'mint' and my best lens, also it has gone up in value