View Full Version : Help re installing a spring parallax lever and cam on a crown graphic.

31-Jul-2022, 16:21
I was really stupid and curious and wanted to see the cam. I just got into large format photography and was interested in cams. So I accidentally pulled out the spring and the cam and can't get them back in.

Neal Chaves
1-Aug-2022, 12:50
You pulled out a spring along with the cam? You may have a problem. Usually, to change cams you rack the track forward to give you room to get in there and unload the mechanism. Now the follower arm, this has nothing to do with parallax, will be at the low end of the cam and out of the way so you can nudge the cam forward a bit and then up and out. To insert another cam, you slip it in at angle under the follower arm against the spring pressure and then slide it down into place. This takes an "educated thumb" and many people are never able to master it.

2-Aug-2022, 14:21
I got the cam back in. But have no idea how to get the spring back in too.

4-Aug-2022, 20:49
I'm not 100% sure what your problem is as I haven't worked on one of these in a few years. First, I would suggest you download the service manual which will have exploded diagrams of those parts. If that doesn't help, then maybe a more detailed explanation will? You can find the manual here


Good luck!