View Full Version : Help Identifying These Sheet Film Notches

20-Jul-2022, 11:50
I just acquired a 3x4 Graflex RB. When I was examining the film holder, I found that there was already sheet film inside. The camera hasn't been used in a number of years, so I have no idea when it's from. I took one out to help identify the film, and left one sheet in the holder unexposed (which I hope to shoot after identifying the film).

Is anyone familiar with these film notches? It doesn't seem to match any of the notch patterns I can find online. Again, this is 3x4 film.


20-Jul-2022, 12:02
Looks like it might be FP4plus

20-Jul-2022, 12:04
Ahh, nevermind. I think HP5 plus is more likely, given the orientation of the notches in relation to the corner.

21-Jul-2022, 09:04
Neither would be likely since this has all the looks of a C41 process film. Note the orange/brown base...

21-Jul-2022, 09:13
Those look like Fujichrome notches.

21-Jul-2022, 12:18
Thanks to both of you for the input. Since I'm mostly unfamiliar with color film, I didn't recognize that the base indicated that it was likely color. As it turns out, by this morning I had shot and developed the sheet to test the camera. I treated it like HP5 (since that was my best guess at the time). 5 mins in HC-110 Dil B. Worked fine, at least enough to confirm that the camera is functioning and there are no light leaks. Since I didn't feel 100% positive about the film, I also cut down a sheet of Tmax 400, then shot and developed that too, just to make sure that my shutter wasn't lagging. Looks like all is good!

21-Jul-2022, 22:40
So out of curiosity, were there any edge markings in the developed sheet that tell something about what it is.?

23-Jul-2022, 09:15
No markings, unfortunately. It also turned out to be slightly undersized, so I'm guessing it had been cut down from 4x5 and the markings were lost in the process.

23-Jul-2022, 11:47
Looks like HP5+ .... although the reddish anti-halation coloring threw me off.
Probably from an ULF program run, might be factory cut to size.


Figured I'd include development times. :)
Why not?

23-Jul-2022, 13:12
Could be some color process film, maybe duplicating film or so.

I really don't think it's HP5+ or any other b&w film. Does the developed sheet still show the orange mask? If so, it's really a color stock. I don't know of an antihalation dye of this color, but who knows...?