View Full Version : Orphan Works Copyright Legislation

Robert A. Zeichner
30-Mar-2006, 16:43
I just received this sample letter with instructions for proper modification in preparation to send to congressmen and representatives. I would encourage all to take a look and act now.


Jeff Conrad
31-Mar-2006, 16:51
This has been discussed extensively in several other recent threads. ASMP
have a
page (http://www.asmp.org/news/spec2006/orphan_update.php)
with periodic updates.

One thing to note: ASMP now are are asking people to hold off on faxes:

“At this time, we ask that you refrain from sending additional faxes
or e-mails. We will call for more later, but right now we need to give
Congressional staff a break.”

Jim Ewins
1-Apr-2006, 18:07
The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on the subject this past week.