View Full Version : Super Angulon 90 XL Brass Shim

23-Jun-2022, 20:06
I have a question for anyone who owns the Super Angulon 90 XL. Does your lens have a brass shim spacer between the front group and the shutter (Copal 0)? Out of curiosity, I just checked my 90 XL and discovered there was no shim. In contrast, my 72 XL does have a shim, and this seems normal based on information from other owners of that lens.

23-Jun-2022, 20:36
The manufacturers provide shims only as needed, not with every lens.


John Layton
24-Jun-2022, 08:04
Which begs the question for those of us who frequently purchase used LF lenses: how can we truly know, for a given used optic, especially if we are not intimately familiar with its "out of the box" performance...that such a shim has not been lost at some point in its history?

Bob Salomon
24-Jun-2022, 09:39
Which begs the question for those of us who frequently purchase used LF lenses: how can we truly know, for a given used optic, especially if we are not intimately familiar with its "out of the box" performance...that such a shim has not been lost at some point in its history?

Shoot some shots at f22. If performance is not what you expect then the lens probably is missing required shims or has been abused.
One sure sign is if the aperture scale is wrong.