View Full Version : Troubleshot: Dark patches on Positives

20-Jun-2022, 19:43
Hi there, hoping some experts here can help me troubleshoot these recent batch of bad positives that I got developed from an amateur lab.

In these batch of four Provia 100Fs that I sent through, two came back alright but the other two have dark patches all over the shot. Lab tech said they were all developed in the same tank at the same time. I do not want to discount possible errors from my end. Trying to figure out if it is possibly dev mistakes or errors on my end.

Could condensation cause this? Photo was shot in the morning at around -2celcius and packed in the bag in noon with temp back up to 18celcius
*Film was stored in the fridge, then sat in room temp for 1-2 days before loaded in holder.

Any comments would be much appreciated. Thanks.

*excuse the dim phone photo
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52161816956_f477463c5d_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2ntmWTE)

20-Jun-2022, 20:13
Horrible processing error(s). Find another lab.

20-Jun-2022, 20:46
Horrible processing error(s). Find another lab.

Any suggestions on what could have gone wrong?

22-Jun-2022, 03:08
Might be insufficient chemistry volume in a reel-type rotary tank (e.g. Jobo 25xx series, not Jobo Expert Drum). If the problematic ones were closest to the center spindle they can be affected more so than sheets that are at the outside of the tank.

In any case I'd agree with @nolindan; most of what we see here is a processing problem in all likelihood, although an additional minor light leak cannot be excluded. However, that would not be the dominant problem.