View Full Version : FPP super c-41 kit missing fixer

11-May-2022, 13:55
My c-41 kit from FPP has a five part developer, two part bleach, but is missing the fixer listed in the instructions. FPP has been unresponsive to my inquires.

So, what exactly is the color fixer? Is it different than B&W?

11-May-2022, 14:14

11-May-2022, 14:16
Well if it has the bleach and isn't a blix kit then worst case you can pick up Kodak Flexicolor (https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/898095-REG/kodak_6600027_flexicolor_fixer_and_replenisher.html/reviews?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A6879&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1PHfHjqCi4p8BdM_Wfw0cWu66cMIvnSW0qv77a7WAC5oFbPa-olRuxoCEoQQAvD_BwE)fixer pretty cheap. I think you still need a stabilizer for C-41 though, so if your kit didn't come with that it could be a problem.

11-May-2022, 15:55

If you watch the video in the link, it describes the fixer as just a plain Jane non hardening fixer. Any standard fixer should do the trick. On the FPP site they also list another C-41 kit that uses a combined bleach-fix (blix) instead of separate bleach and fixer steps.

11-May-2022, 17:23
Any fixer will work. I've had to substitute Kodak rapid fixer in a pinch. I've had the fixer part of RA4 blix go bad, mixed Kodak rapid fixer and mixed with the bleach portion, no biggie.

11-May-2022, 23:44
Any B&W fixer wil PROBABLY work, but I'd recommend to use a near-neutral pH fixer (ca 6.5 would be nice). Acid fixer is not a good idea due to the risk of dyes (esp cyan I understand) remaining in its leuco (colorless) state. I think today's film is less sensitive to this than it used to be. Still, AFAIK C41 still calls for the last concentrated bath to be of pH 6.5 or thereabouts.

Why not get some jugs of C41 fixer from your favorite brand? It works nicely for b&w as well. It's also cheap. It's the only fixer I buy!

12-May-2022, 20:43
Any B&W fixer wil PROBABLY work, but I'd recommend to use a near-neutral pH fixer (ca 6.5 would be nice). Acid fixer is not a good idea due to the risk of dyes (esp cyan I understand) remaining in its leuco (colorless) state. I think today's film is less sensitive to this than it used to be. Still, AFAIK C41 still calls for the last concentrated bath to be of pH 6.5 or thereabouts.

Why not get some jugs of C41 fixer from your favorite brand? It works nicely for b&w as well. It's also cheap. It's the only fixer I buy!

Ah good point about a universal fixer. I have a cube of Fuji Uni-something, works for C-41 and E-6. The dilution is different, stronger for C-41, I think.