View Full Version : Source(s) for single archival 12x20 storage box?

Steve Goldstein
1-May-2022, 17:23
I'm looking for a modest-size (depth 2" or less) box, preferably but not necessarily drop-front, to store my unmounted larger panoramic prints, which are (so far) always 20" on the long side and 12" or less on the short side. Neither Archival Methods, University Products, or Gaylord seem to offer boxes in this size - Hollinger is the only one I've found:


Unfortunately their minimum order for ULF-sized boxes is 5 (currently around $25 each) and I really doubt I'll need more than one in this lifetime. I suspect 12x20 is not a big seller and Hollinger probably makes them to order, hence their minimum quantity.

Does anybody know of a source for just one box of this size? The cost of shipping these days probably limits me to US suppliers.

Aside: Of course I can continue use a 16x20 box but I'd prefer a properly-sized one that doesn't allow the prints to move around much. I trim the paper before printing to give me material for test strips, which minimizes waste and allows me to two-hand process it in 11x14 trays, really the only feasible method in my microscopic darkroom.

Roger Beck
31-May-2022, 00:15

Steve Goldstein
31-May-2022, 05:49
Thank you, Roger, somehow I missed that when I looked at the Gaylord site. I ran the numbers and the quote is almost $68 (tan) or $49 (blue/grey) for one box, not terribly surprising but high enough to make me happy to continue using a 16x20 box for this purpose.

Roger Beck
31-May-2022, 06:56
I think I did the same thing lol for the 16x20 sleeves

Richard Wasserman
31-May-2022, 07:02
What about using a 16x20 box and building a spacer so the prints don't move around? A hollow square tube should be easy to make.

31-May-2022, 19:11

if you want custom made and super nice you might look into portfolio box and hope bindery in Rhode Island, they both do fantastic work. Portfolio box also make hand crafted bound portfolio books ( I have gotten a few slip case leather bound portfolio books from them over the years ). I'm guessing hope bindery does as well, but I have never hired them.


they are on IG if you want to look at things they post in addition to their websites.
