View Full Version : Fujinon 135 5.6 W - Aperture blade issue?

24-Apr-2022, 04:46
Just looking to trouble-shoot a query about the Fujinon 135 5.6 W lens and see if there's an issue with it?
This is a new lens to me and I was just practicing with it in my 4x5 camera, focusing etc.

I noticed that when I click the lens open and go to move the aperture slider, the image circle does not move at all. In the previous lens I had, I could open up or stop down the aperture while focusing and could see the change in the amount of light affecting my focusing. So when practicing with this lens, I noticed this difference and how the image circle would never go smaller when I did try to stop down the aperture.

I did look at the lens more closely off the camera and the aperture blades are moving in and out when I look behind the lens itself. When taking a shot, the aperture is at the correct setting here, so if I selected a f/8 aperture, the lens takes the shot at f/8.

Is this just how this lens functions? I'm looking for some feedback to make sure the lens is working correctly. I always focus using the largest possible aperture anyway but am just asking in case something is a miss.


24-Apr-2022, 05:34
Not shure of of the question, can you post a picture?

Dan Fromm
24-Apr-2022, 07:13
It isn't a lens issue, it is a shutter issue. Which shutter is your lens in?

I ask because some of my Copal #0 shutters stay wide open regardless of the aperture setting when the preview lever is set "on."

24-Apr-2022, 09:04
Thanks for the reply - it's a Copal 0 shutter - maybe that would explain it.

Rick A
24-Apr-2022, 14:04
All my shutters with a preview lever stay wide open no matter where the aperture is set, that's the function of the preview so you can focus and compose at full open. When you switch back to normal use the aperture closes to wherever it's preset at. On shutters where I have to use the "T" setting to focus it does change.

24-Apr-2022, 16:51
A Wista Copal Press shutter will stay fully open when the preview lever is used. On a regular Copal shutter, the aperture can be altered when the preview lever is used for focusing.
