View Full Version : Quick question: print contrast and step-wedge

16-Apr-2022, 09:16
I have a borrowed 21-Step Stouffer in hand. Each step, it says, is 1/2 stop apart. I do not have a densitometer; I'm using this to see if my light source is giving me a Grade 2 with a Gr. 2 Ilford filter on Gr 2 Ilford paper. I am not trying to split hairs, just get a reasonable basis point.

Typical Grade 2, I read, is around 1.2 gradient, which seems to translate in the wedge densities to 8 patches, e.g, from 2-9, 4-11, 8-16, or any other series. That is, on my wedge, on the envelope back is written in pencil for Step 1 - 0.3, Step 9 1.25, so I'm subtracting the former, approximately. Assuming a straight line from Zones III-VIII, how many steps of the tablet should it take to go from III-VIII?

I'm contact printing the tablet. If Step 5 is a Zone III, then Step 13 would be Zone VIII -- are am I way off?

Thank you.

16-Apr-2022, 09:27
Don't count the first and last gray step, just the ones in-between and multiply by 15, to get an estimate of ISO(R) contrast.

Typical figures might be Grade 5 = ISO(R) 40 to 45; Grade 4 = ISO(R) 60 to 70; Grade 3 = ISO(R) 80 to 90; Grade 2 = ISO(R) 100 to 110; Grade 1 = ISO(R) 120 to 130; Grade 0 = ISO(R) 140 to 150; Grade 00 = ISO(R) 160 to 180.

16-Apr-2022, 10:22
Much obliged.