View Full Version : A ULF from a cardboard box?

Drew Bedo
9-Apr-2022, 12:56
Anyone ever make a ULF from a cardboard box?

It could be lightweight (ish) and sturdy enough for an outing or two. Perhaps the bits necessary to reinforce whatever holds up the lens and the GG back could be durable enough to be swapped as the main body wears out.

The whole shebang could be rigged to be foldable. Could be backpack-able.

Prob ably a sliding box-in-a-box for focusing . . .or fixed at infinity for landscapes?

Might be a one and done using lots of Duct tape.

No. It won't be a wood and brass heirloom.

Just a thought.

Tin Can
9-Apr-2022, 13:00
Yes and it is on the web

I think he was banned

Tin Can
9-Apr-2022, 13:03

Tin Can
9-Apr-2022, 13:44
I prefer Black Coroplast, lined with felt blackout, it is plastic cardboard

I buy 24 X 36" black by the case, very cheap.....before.....

I used 4'X8' 10mm white 2 pieces for my Vcard

9-Apr-2022, 16:49
I'm sure you have seen this.


Tin Can
10-Apr-2022, 04:35
Now I have

One offs

I'm sure you have seen this.


10-Apr-2022, 05:20
Hi Drew
I've made 11x14 and bigger cameras out of foam core, does that count ?
the rectangles collapse almost flat and front and back "standards" slide in to keep it rigid.
I at one time had a small business making them and selling them to people :)
I also have made paper negative holders that look like "book" type holders, I've made them 11x14 and
for a 4x5 camera I sometimes use for paper, glass plates and metal plates...
these cameras are fun but hard to keep stable ( I used to put them on something flat but had to have a "rock" on top to keep from floating away )
the rock was not included when I sold them !

10-Apr-2022, 10:52
My first 20x24 in 2011 was a box-in-box, black foam board camera, with duct tape seams. 24 inch lens. Adox 100 ASA film (you could buy it pretty cheap off the shelf at Central Camera at the time). Even made the film holder out of black foam board. The film was held in place by thumbtacks. Thick dark plastic garbage bags for the dark cloth. Nothing was pretty or square but it could take a remarkably good photo. It encouraged me to move forward in ULF.

I am intermixed by your idea of a foldable camera that would be easy to backpack. I think is very possible and could work well to get such a camera into otherwise inaccessible places. I would not try a foam board film holder - something in the kit has to be rigid and well made. I think you could even use relatively lightweight tripod.......if you used guy wires to stabilize the camera body to the ground. I think the whole thing could be under 30 pounds.

Tin Can
10-Apr-2022, 12:15
I have a very simple DIY method for single sided film holders

I wrote it up here with pics in DIY at least 8 years ago

Still works

10-Apr-2022, 12:22
I have a very simple DIY method for single sided film holders

I wrote it up here with pics in DIY at least 8 years ago

Still works

Sounds interesting .... do you have a link or reference to your article?

10-Apr-2022, 12:42
Problem is that ULF film is more expensive than the cameras and lenses...

10-Apr-2022, 13:59
Yes and it is on the web

I think he was banned

Dan Stone

I think you mean Robert Stone ( StoneNYC ). ...
im not sure the circumstances of his leaving but I think he might have done it on his own to protest moderators saying that political posts weren't allowed ...
it was the thread of portraits by the cos-play portrait person ...

10-Apr-2022, 19:25
Made this 20x20 to test out this honkin' Beseler opaque projector lens on paper negatives. It was fixed focus and was strictly a studio camera.

John Layton
10-Jun-2024, 12:23
Ha! I built my first 11x14 eons ago...sliding "box in a box" design but out of plywood and weighed a ton - mounted on a Quickset "Gibraltar" tripod which could reasonably double as a building jack.

But moving on to cardboard...and thinking about the "box in a box" - what about cardboard, stiffened with an Epoxy coating? Or maybe something like black Gatorboard - nice and light, and quite rigid. (or maybe that's getting too fancy?)