View Full Version : Modern Sinar item need some advice

Daniel Unkefer
2-Apr-2022, 17:18
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51978278878_1c455d35fc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2nc9gq3)Modern Sinar blinds not working smoothly (https://flic.kr/p/2nc9gq3) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

This is a modern Sinar item. I bought it cheaply, but when it arrived I determined it needs some work. It has some big dents in several places, one of the blinds not functional at all. I played with it with jewelers pliers for a while, and got all the blinds to operate, although the one gets stuck when rolled in so it still needs help.

Has anybody here opened one of these up? Any restoration tips? It seems a lot of these I have seen have been like this one, not functional as intended, same problem basically. Thanks for help!

Peter De Smidt
2-Apr-2022, 19:07
I have one, but I've never had to open it up. Good luck with the restoration!

neil poulsen
2-Apr-2022, 19:19
I also have one. But, mine is just like yours.

Daniel Unkefer
3-Apr-2022, 10:04
Thanks Peter and Neil!

I expect to have to use it as is, which is doable. BTW it's a good unit to have! I'm hesitant to open it up, I'm guessing something in there is under spring tension. Don't want it to go ka-sprong. So I will leave it alone for now

Daniel Unkefer
5-Apr-2022, 08:07
This morning I collated my stash of old Sinar catalogs. The last I have (2003) shows this item at over $1200! EEK I feel really good I paid $50. Now if I can just tune it up a bit I'm very satisfied. It is usuable as is but I'd like it to work properly in all aspects.

John Layton
5-Apr-2022, 10:27
Looks like a cool device! But pardon my ignorance...is this used along with a compendium lenshade? Something else? hmmm...:confused:

Bernice Loui
5-Apr-2022, 10:38
Most effective compendium lens shade made if properly used. This adjustable mask can trim off excessive lens image circle that would otherwise bounce around inside the bellows causing contrast reduction due to this light dancing inside the bellows (or why largest lens image circle is not always best) and allow only the image area on to the film as needed. It also used for in-camera masking to produce multi exposure images on the same sheet of film, these days would be done in data. Back then it was done in-camera.


Set-up can look like this with filter rod and filter holder.


Looks like a cool device! But pardon my ignorance...is this used along with a compendium lenshade? Something else? hmmm...:confused:

Daniel Unkefer
5-Apr-2022, 13:15
Another way to do it.........

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51984904743_52a9910699_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2ncJe46)Bellows Mask II 75mm Norma SA barrel auto iris FOBA ALFAO (https://flic.kr/p/2ncJe46) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Bellows Mask II 75mm Schneider Norma barrel Super Angulon F5.6 with Auto-Iris. The Auxiliary Norma Standard enables you to nearly touch the front glass. Set the blinds just outside the view on the glass, and stop down to view also. Maximum saturation of the image is the goal, by excluding the edges of the image circle. A gobo of sorts, or a matte box. Tripod is FOBA ALFAO very lightweight modern Swiss made tripod. Fits well with this camera as it is quite portable yet rock solid

If I grab the blind with my fingernail and pull, I can make it go back and forth. So it sort of works.