View Full Version : Arca-Swiss 5x7 platform restart

Rod Klukas
1-Apr-2022, 09:20
Having spent most of a week here with our new Directing Manager, we wish to make the following announcement:

Update from ARCA-SWISS - 5x7 format

Jean-Pierre Pieve, our new managing director as of December 2021, has announced the return of ARCA-SWISS 5x7 formats.

As of today, any F-line or M-Line camera may be ordered in 5x7 format. Remember, if you wish to have the MicroOrbix geared tilt it needs to be added at the time of purchase.

Also announced and available to order are 171 wide angle leather bag bellows.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

If you have questions contact your dealer or myself.


Tin Can
1-Apr-2022, 09:54
Retail Price

Bernice Loui
1-Apr-2022, 11:15
Curious, what prompted Arca Swiss to produce a 5x7 camera again?


1-Apr-2022, 12:53
This is great news, Rod. Thank you, and the new Directing Mgr., for making this happen.

Mark Sampson
1-Apr-2022, 15:15
That's good news; perhaps A/S is responding to customer requests. I'm sure that those parts won't be cheap... but to the user, good value for money spent. "There is always room at the top."

1-Apr-2022, 15:45
I'm sure that those parts won't be cheap... but to the user, good value for money spent. "There is always room at the top."

Cost is always a relative thing... Back in 1993 our first digital camera was a Kodak DCS 200. Don't exactly remember but my best recollection is that it cost us around 20K to acquire. 20K in 1993's dollars was not cheap. If I were in the market for a precision 5x7 today my first choice would be a Sinar Norma, but that camera is going on 50+ years old. I'd place the value of a currently made precision 5x7 at around 6K for me. Am eager to see just what a new 5x7 Arca Swiss will be going for. A friend shoots 5x7, and I'm sure he'd be a buyer for up to 8K. Last year passed up on acquiring a Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger. I would have thought twice about that if I knew Arca Swiss was going to come out with a 5x7!!!! I commend Arca Swiss for stepping up and not leaving LF photographers like us in the cold.

2-Apr-2022, 04:24
B&H lists the A/S 5x7 models: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/products/Field-View-Cameras/ci/27/N/4288586273?filters=fct_brand_name%3Aarca-swiss%2Cfct_format_40%3A5x7in

Tin Can
2-Apr-2022, 04:49
Pricing normal........Good News!

Perhaps at this moment ARCA can supply what China cannot

A 5X7 camera is better than any 4X5 as it can shoot both

I used to dream about Monolith!

2-Apr-2022, 04:51
I've always enjoyed this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrWWRLXPexI&t=365s) of Urs Bernhard (https://www.ursbernhard.com/) at work with the A/S Metric 5x7...maybe a bit overly-dramatic, but a nice vignette of a project coming together

2-Apr-2022, 05:03
Cost is always a relative thing... Back in 1993 our first digital camera was a Kodak DCS 200. Don't exactly remember but my best recollection is that it cost us around 20K to acquire. 20K in 1993's dollars was not cheap. If I were in the market for a precision 5x7 today my first choice would be a Sinar Norma, but that camera is going on 50+ years old. I'd place the value of a currently made precision 5x7 at around 6K for me. Am eager to see just what a new 5x7 Arca Swiss will be going for. A friend shoots 5x7, and I'm sure he'd be a buyer for up to 8K. Last year passed up on acquiring a Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger. I would have thought twice about that if I knew Arca Swiss was going to come out with a 5x7!!!! I commend Arca Swiss for stepping up and not leaving LF photographers like us in the cold.

I have a Linhof Kardan Bi with 5x7 back. These are old (1960's) but work well. Since it is a Linhof Kardan many more modern components work with it.

2-Apr-2022, 15:16
I was intrigued to read in the B&H description of the Arca Swiss 5x7 :

"The Arca-Swiss 5x7 is a high quality professional's tool that is ideal for use with 5x7 film (a host of B&W options remain), medium format film backs (up to 6x17), and digital backs with interfaces such as the Silvestri 5x7 Sliding Back Adapter."

What 6x17 medium format roll film backs exist that are compatible with this camera?

Oren Grad
2-Apr-2022, 15:57
What 6x17 medium format roll film backs exist that are compatible with this camera?

Maybe Rod can clarify whether it has the retaining sliders that would make it compatible with the Canham 6x17 roll film back as well as the Chinese 6x17 roll holders that use a similar mounting plate.

neil poulsen
3-Apr-2022, 21:19
. . . As of today, any F-line or M-Line camera may be ordered in 5x7 format. . . .

Thanks for the heads up. What's the intended front format frame?

Rod Klukas
4-Apr-2022, 09:35
The front frame will be the current 141 series Frame.

Here is a list of the available offerings. Prices are being updated and I will publish soon.

ARCA-Swiss 5x7 offerings as of 04/01/2022

Camera et Format-Set 5x7"

012157 ARCA-SWISS F -classic 5x7"

012257 ARCA-SWISS F -classic C 5x7"

012357 ARCA-SWISS F -prime 5x7"

013157 ARCA-SWISS F -metric 5x7"

013257 ARCA-SWISS F -metric C 5x7"

014157 ARCA-SWISS M -monolith 5x7", orbix® micrometric

022157 Format-Set F -classic 5x7"

023157 Format-Set F -metric 5x7"

024157 Format-Set M -monolith 5x7"

With MicroOrbix:

012169oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic 6x9 with orbix® micrometric

012269oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic C 6x9 with orbix® micrometric

012145oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic 4x5" with orbix® micrometric

012245oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic C 4x5" with orbix® micrometric

012545oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic field C 4x5" with orbix® micrometric

012157oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic 5x7" with orbix® micrometric

012257oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic C 5x7" with orbix® micrometric

012181oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic 8x10" with orbix® micrometric

012281oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic C 8x10" with orbix® micrometric

012381oc ARCA-SWISS F -classic D 8x10" with orbix® micrometric


061000oc Front frame F-classic 6x9, with orbix® micrometric

062004oc Front Frame F-classic 141/ 4x5" with orbix® micrometric

Cameras with MicroOrbix geared tilt will show the " oc " designation in their Catalog #: F -metric 5x7 :

013157oc ARCA-SWISS F -metric 5x7" with orbix® micrometric

013257oc ARCA-SWISS F -metric C 5x7" with orbix® micrometric

neil poulsen
4-Apr-2022, 10:13
The front frame will be the current 141 series Frame. . .

I don't doubt that the front frame will be the 141mm series.

But if I'm not mistaken, B&H images show the camera with the 171mm format frame. :confused:

4-Apr-2022, 10:17
My 8x10 and 4x5 configurations are 171, and I'd be interested in adding 5x7, but not if it's only available with a front frame that's inconsistent with the rest of my camera.

Rod Klukas
4-Apr-2022, 14:11
The front frame is the standard 141 series we use with the 4x5, and 8x10 formats in F line

neil poulsen
4-Apr-2022, 18:25
So, the B&H photos are incorrect?

My 8x10 and 4x5 configurations are 171, and I'd be interested in adding 5x7, but not if it's only available with a front frame that's inconsistent with the rest of my camera.

I have an Asian reduction adapter from 171mm down to 110mm that fits just fine in the bellows side of my Metric, 171mm rear format frame. (My Asian reduction adapter might be Luland, but I'm not sure.)

As one example, EBay currently has a Luland reduction adapter from 171mm down to 141mm. So, the possibility exists of getting the Arca 5x7 conversion kit, and then using the reduction adapter to attach the 141mm end (of the conversion kit) to the bellows side of your 171mm front standard. (This assumes that your 171mm front standard isn't from the Oschwald era cameras.)

4-Apr-2022, 19:18
So, the B&H photos are incorrect?

I have an Asian reduction adapter from 171mm down to 110mm that fits just fine in the bellows side of my Metric, 171mm rear format frame. (My Asian reduction adapter might be Luland, but I'm not sure.)

As one example, EBay currently has a Luland reduction adapter from 171mm down to 141mm. So, the possibility exists of getting the Arca 5x7 conversion kit, and then using the reduction adapter to attach the 141mm end (of the conversion kit) to the rear of your 171mm front standard. (This assumes that your 171mm front standard isn't from the Oschwald era cameras.)

I have an Arca-Swiss F-Line. My view of this is that Arca-Swiss either wants to sell me the 5x7 components for my camera or it doesn't. If the latter, I have a 5x7 Linhof Kardan Bi.

neil poulsen
4-Apr-2022, 20:40
I have an Arca-Swiss F-Line. My view of this is that Arca-Swiss either wants to sell me the 5x7 components for my camera or it doesn't. If the latter, I have a 5x7 Linhof Kardan Bi.

It's an option.

5-Apr-2022, 13:48
I'd still be interested to know whether the Canham (et al) 6x17 roll film holders are in fact compatible with the camera, which would be a big plus.

Maybe Rod can clarify whether it has the retaining sliders that would make it compatible with the Canham 6x17 roll film back as well as the Chinese 6x17 roll holders that use a similar mounting plate.

Rod Klukas
6-Apr-2022, 08:40
I will let you know when I receive new cameras in the next week or so.

Rod Klukas
6-Apr-2022, 12:38
By the way, KB Canham has less than 10 pieces of the 6x17 back left, and is leaning towards not producing more.


Rod Klukas
19-Apr-2022, 14:25
Well, the 5x7 is a great compromise to a larger negative than 4x5, while not quite the weight and bulk of the 8x10. Also many people do like the proportion of the 5x7/11x14/FF, all of which are quite similar.
I have had people all over the world asking for the last 4 years since the 5x7 sort of faded from our offerings. I kept forwarding these and the new Managing director is also quite supportive of this step.

And they have created a D model with my assymetrical rail setup. I did this on the 8x10s and they finally created the D model in 8x10 with a catalog number, and now they have created the D model 5x7, as well. It has a 15cm/6" rail for collapsing the entire 5x7, or 4x5 or 8x10 camera onto, for packing or storage. This is coupled using a 30cm connecting bracket, in the case of the 5x7, and a 25cm rail allowing full use of the standard bellows or the Wide angle bellows, of course. Makes it much more compact and fast to setup. You just mount the 30cm bracket onto the tripod head, and slide in the camera, mount the lens and focus.

I am very excited and waiting for the first deliveries soon. It will of course also come with our great GG/Fresnel viewing screen, and the optional MicroOrbix geared tilt is available as well.

I am here if anyone has questions.


Curious, what prompted Arca Swiss to produce a 5x7 camera again?


Pete Roody
20-Apr-2022, 13:56
I pieced together a used Arca F 5x7 camera. It uses a 171mm front standard. I was able to purchase a new 4x5 reducing back and a new bag bellows from Badger. 5x7's were always listed in Catalogs and on B&H's website. They were not produced by Arca for a long time. The camera is compact and versatile.

Rod Klukas
23-Apr-2022, 10:19
It will have a 141 front standard to accommodate some of the larger lens some times used on 5x7.

Rod Klukas
23-Apr-2022, 10:20
Yes, Unfortunately they have not changed their images on their web page yet.

Rod Klukas
23-Apr-2022, 10:25
There are Format kits for the current 141 series to change format to 5x7. Any F-Line of 171 series could also be accommodated by purchasing an additional 141 front frame. Then you would have a 141 series 5x7 complete.


neil poulsen
23-Apr-2022, 19:16
B&H lists the A/S 5x7 models: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/products/Field-View-Cameras/ci/27/N/4288586273?filters=fct_brand_name%3Aarca-swiss%2Cfct_format_40%3A5x7in

I'm wondering how they'll price the 5x7 conversion kits?

Of course, they'll assume a 141mm front format frame. But, one might (?) be able to attach a 171mm to 141mm reduction lensboard to the rear of the 171mm front format frame, and then connect the 141mm bellows frame to that reduction lensboard.

Rod Klukas
2-May-2022, 10:42
Possibly this may work. The 171 to 141 adapter must be on a flat lens board. Then it could work.

9-Feb-2023, 02:06
In an old Arca catalog that I found, they offered a 5x7 -> 4x5 reducing back. Doesn't seem like this kind of piece made a return along with the 5x7 line? The only reducing back I see currently offered is 4x5 -> 6x9.

I know that using a reducing back in a 5x7 set has its limitations, but for me personally, it would be more appealing option than a 4x5 conversion kit.

Rod Klukas
10-Feb-2023, 17:19
The reduction plate for 5x7 to 4x5 and also the 8x10 to 4x5, did not return. The issue was that they were very heavy and prone to being unusable if dropped. The format kits were lighter and actually while a bit thicker, less bulky and easier to pack.

These format are kits available now.

Hope this helps.

21-Feb-2023, 03:45
I'm sure that those parts won't be cheap... but to the user, good value for money spent. "There is always room at the top."
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