View Full Version : BIG Camera on Wheels Project Doc

Tin Can
26-Mar-2022, 10:52
Right now still in mockup

The handles, wheels and wood will be used

The old camera upper left is heavy and sturdy, definetly, but there will be others

More soon

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51962476398_254fe49eec_z.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/gp/tincancollege/57E5Hx)Big Camera on Wheels (https://www.flickr.com/gp/tincancollege/57E5Hx) by TIN CAN COLLEGE (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tincancollege/), on Flickr

26-Mar-2022, 12:05
I have a 14x14 copy camera i'll be working on this summer and need a transport system for it

Tin Can
26-Mar-2022, 13:30

The consensus of LFPF 10 years ago, was throw it out as junk

Very glad I did not, very nice wood and the best bellows I ever saw
Mine is an 11X14" LEVY I have adapted 4X5, 5X7, 8X10 Calumet backs. I have 2 OE Copy backs for up up 11X14. I once shot it with bigger, 10X16 with 2 sheets

One time I made a wood front extension for 790 mm lens with 3 NIKON strobes mounted on it

All great learning opportunities

I may adapt to 14X17 as I have plenty of that in X-Ray

I documented in DIY thread long ago, pics still there somewhere

IF I find them I will link to here

I have a 14x14 copy camera i'll be working on this summer and need a transport system for it

Erik Larsen
26-Mar-2022, 16:11
I had one on wheels once. It was roughly 20x24 inch ground glass if I remember correctly. I really only wanted the 19 inch red dot Artar it came with but I had to take all or nothing. I traded it to a wet plater I think back east for an 11x14 camera I could use. It was a masterpiece of wood working and was smooth to operate. My only use for it could be a coffee table or coffin!

26-Mar-2022, 18:18

27-Mar-2022, 13:08
Looks very promising - with such large wheels, there should be a lot of places you can go. Look forward to what you learn in putting the final version of this together and the work you will be able to make

30-Mar-2022, 08:11
I wonder whether an ambulance stretcher would make it possible to move the 14x14 Deardorff copy camera in/out of my Subaru hatchback... Even has a tilt!226097

Tin Can
31-Mar-2022, 04:25
All Subaru are small inside, I tested the bigger ones by laying down in some at the dealer, I rented 1 too

Then I bought a F150 long bed

Try Deer Carts (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=deer+carts&crid=1KBNFUEL7GVFS&sprefix=deer+carts%2Caps%2C108&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)

I wonder whether an ambulance stretcher would make it possible to move the 14x14 Deardorff copy camera in/out of my Subaru hatchback... Even has a tilt!226097

Drew Bedo
31-Mar-2022, 09:02
Years agi I was able to view the private collection of a member of a cmera collectors club. Lots of great stuff in custome built-in cabinets. Right in the middle of the floor , on camera stands were TWO cameras similar to the camera in this thread. I blinked and had mental flashes of The Guns of Naverone.

Later, I told the owner that I had access to large sheets of film through the CT clinic dark room where I worked . . .and the automatic film processor for them. He looked blank for a moment, then it began to dawn on him that I meant to actually take pictures with his prized beasts. He broke out in a cold sweat and looked like he was going into a panic attack. I backed off and never mentioned it again.

31-Mar-2022, 10:54
Years agi I was able to view the private collection of a member of a cmera collectors club. Lots of great stuff in custome built-in cabinets. Right in the middle of the floor , on camera stands were TWO cameras similar to the camera in this thread. I blinked and had mental flashes of The Guns of Naverone.

Later, I told the owner that I had access to large sheets of film through the CT clinic dark room where I worked . . .and the automatic film processor for them. He looked blank for a moment, then it began to dawn on him that I meant to actually take pictures with his prized beasts. He broke out in a cold sweat and looked like he was going into a panic attack. I backed off and never mentioned it again.

In the 1980s I was visiting a friend who owned a camera store in my hometown. In the store he had on display a beautiful 11x14" Improved Empire State view camera (I think circa 1910), film holders, and a classic brass lens. I would have had to rate it all in mint condition, having been used but probably only a few times. I mentioned that I had some 11x14" film and I would love to borrow the equipment to shoot some negatives. He said something like "You want to take the camera outside!!!" Years later the store closed. I tried to find out what happened to that camera, but to no avail.

31-Mar-2022, 18:41
My Subaru(s) have transported 2 different 8x10 enlargers :rolleyes:

My Deardorff 11x14 Commercial camera similar to Tin Can's was delivered to my house on a flatbed trailer pulled by a fancy Ford pickup. The previous owner delivered it, he wanted me to have it because he knew I would take care of it.
I will never forget following that beast down the highway :eek:

Tin Can
15-Aug-2022, 10:12
So it was at full mast?

My Subaru(s) have transported 2 different 8x10 enlargers :rolleyes:

My Deardorff 11x14 Commercial camera similar to Tin Can's was delivered to my house on a flatbed trailer pulled by a fancy Ford pickup. The previous owner delivered it, he wanted me to have it because he knew I would take care of it.
I will never forget following that beast down the highway :eek:

15-Aug-2022, 10:22
So it was at full mast?

Two full masts :o