View Full Version : Using up all my film, paper and chemicals----------not me

Tin Can
11-Mar-2022, 11:19

& not him

11-Mar-2022, 14:08
Suddenly the state of my freezer doesn't seem so OCD.

An old internet adage: The answer to the question 'Am I the only one who...?' is always 'No.'

Michael R
11-Mar-2022, 15:07
I can’t relate to this kind of thing.

Tin Can
11-Mar-2022, 15:13
I am still buying

I expect inflation

Michael R
11-Mar-2022, 15:21
Well, these are not durable goods, so prepping for some possible future doesn’t make all that much sense.

11-Mar-2022, 15:52
It's a fine line between " not enough" and "too much". :)

Tin Can
11-Mar-2022, 16:02
This morning I got my combined gas and electric bill, an hour later it was up 20%

Some film lasts very well

I buy on schedule

for years

year in

& out

Don't misuse 'prepping'


Well, these are not durable goods, so prepping for some possible future doesn’t make all that much sense.

11-Mar-2022, 18:30
Film, paper and chemicals all go bad if not used. I never understood why buy more than one needs. I throw out so much spoiled stuff already. For me it is more economical to buy the paper, film and chemicals just before I need them. Usually shipped to me in just a few days.

11-Mar-2022, 19:01
I don't have a lot of film in my freezer, maybe a year's worth, but my problem is I shoot so many formats. Off the top of my head there's 127, 35mm, 120, 9x12, 4x5 5x7, and 8x10. Oops, forgot half plate. The second problem is I haven't been shooting a whole lot of film the past two years but instead have been concentrating on wet plate. I've been shooting film when it gets way too cold for wet plate, mostly.

Kent in SD

11-Mar-2022, 20:27
My stash of FROZEN Ektar 25 and Agfapan 25 has held up perfectly over the years. I'm glad I stocked up. And since I mix most of my chemicals from raw stuff, I have no problem -- plus, I got most of the stuff from the local University for free. They don't want to pay to have it disposed. How about a pound of silver nitrate crystals for free? So of course I find space.

11-Mar-2022, 20:50
Get it out of the dark and expose it to some fine light!!!


Steve K

11-Mar-2022, 22:59
I have a 22 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer full of film and paper and I'm still buying. Especially fiber base paper, that you really love, buy it periodically. First to keep the company alive, and secondly incase it becomes unavailable.
I've got stockpiled E6,C41,RA4, XTOL, Rodinal, Dektol, Bromophen, enough canned Kodak chemistry to last a lifetime. I use the stuff and help out a young man who needs my chemistry when he runs low.
I don't drive fancy cars, I ride a bike to the store, nothing fancy except my photo stuff.

Tin Can
12-Mar-2022, 05:43
I agree, my home is crap, but paid for, the kitchen floor is soft wet wood, I think I will just add a layer of sheath on top

I don't have a car, don't drive at all, everything is delivered, thank goodness, no more wives

I am very happy to go nowhere and fiddle with my photography hobby

I can walk to a good Med Clinic and a hamlet

I now have a guy my age who lives close by and loves to get paid as taxi

Last ride we went for a longer free cruise to see the new casino construction

I don't gamble, EVER, I will go there for the restaurant....steaks

as for hoarding photo gear, that is far better than throwing it all in the dump. as many PROS did!

Notice, nobody wants a 10X10 enlarger...

I have a 22 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer full of film and paper and I'm still buying. Especially fiber base paper, that you really love, buy it periodically. First to keep the company alive, and secondly incase it becomes unavailable.
I've got stockpiled E6,C41,RA4, XTOL, Rodinal, Dektol, Bromophen, enough canned Kodak chemistry to last a lifetime. I use the stuff and help out a young man who needs my chemistry when he runs low.
I don't drive fancy cars, I ride a bike to the store, nothing fancy except my photo stuff.

12-Mar-2022, 19:07
I agree, my home is crap, but paid for, the kitchen floor is soft wet wood, I think I will just add a layer of sheath on top

I don't have a car, don't drive at all, everything is delivered, thank goodness, no more wives

I am very happy to go nowhere and fiddle with my photography hobby

I can walk to a good Med Clinic and a hamlet

I now have a guy my age who lives close by and loves to get paid as taxi

Last ride we went for a longer free cruise to see the new casino construction

I don't gamble, EVER, I will go there for the restaurant....steaks

as for hoarding photo gear, that is far better than throwing it all in the dump. as many PROS did!

Notice, nobody wants a 10X10 enlarger...

Oh, I want a Saltzman, but those days are past. A buddy of mine has a Robertson 16x20 process camera, it's about the size of a '70 Nova. Started out in my garage. We moved it 3 or 4 times. Fortunately the last two times we were able to remove limestone blocks of the foundation to get into it's current location.

I've always wanted to build it into a trailer and make grand photos. I had a pass at a 3x4 foot process camera. I got the lenses but foolishly swapped them to a real jerk. The short one was 60 inch, both Rodenstock from the late 70's. I rescued a nice thermostatic mixing valve that I still use, passed on a couple things I wish I had, but glad I didn't have to move. So much lovely junk and not enough space and time. :o. I think I'm a bit of a curator, hoping to preserve this stuff for the next generation. I'm never bored and it's really a reasonably inexpensive hobby when you don't chase the newest gadgets.:o

John Kasaian
13-Mar-2022, 05:11
I have a decent supply of film, less of paper and even less chemicals.
I even keep a few plate holders.
Since where I live, 8x10 and 5x7 film is a mail order only proposition, I like to keep enough on hand for several shoots.
Lessons learned from those dark days when Kodak closed down their sheet film line and Ilford went into receivership.

Sal Santamaura
13-Mar-2022, 13:16
...when Kodak closed down their sheet film line...When was that? I don't recall Kodak ever stopping production of sheet film.

Andrew O'Neill
13-Mar-2022, 13:57
That is nothing compared to how much film I have... One freezer full, and starting to take over the fridge in the kitchen. Wife. Not. Happy.

Gord Robinson
13-Mar-2022, 23:14
After seeing this thread I felt really guilty so i have decided to shoot as much film as I can this year. It is going to be a challenge because of the boxes of 4x5 and 5x7 I have as well as about 15 Kodak 2x3 Film Packs. Going to be a fun summer with a lot of miles logged.

John Layton
14-Mar-2022, 05:25
Lots of miles logged this summer sounds great...but those fuel prices - ouch! :eek:

15-Mar-2022, 03:44
I have never been able to hoard up a supply of film and paper. I just seems to get gone. But then I try to keep my photo materials budget to $150 a month.

Tin Can
15-Mar-2022, 04:23
Budget is good!

I bought EFKE 2X3 sheet for several years a bit every SS check

I still work like that

and now I am racing inflation

I have never been able to hoard up a supply of film and paper. I just seems to get gone. But then I try to keep my photo materials budget to $150 a month.

Paul Ron
15-Mar-2022, 06:22
my freezer only has ice. when you live near the grocery store, you buy fresh as needed.

not very long ago there were problems with 120 tmax, backer paper bleed through. had i stocked up on the stuff, id be in a pickle, especially if it were all frozen outdated that kodak may not replace due to age.

take all you can eat but no more!

Drew Wiley
15-Mar-2022, 09:58
Well, I'd be paying four times the price right now for both color and b&w sheet film if I didn't have a decent stash in my freezer. It should remain good and be just about enough to get me through my 70's. 4X5 and roll film will have to be repurchased from time to time, however. My problem now is simply finding the type of color paper I prefer. It's probably stuck in some cargo container at a port beneath 1200 other cargo containers, and will finally get offloaded about 3 years after it's gone bad in the heat. And then the price will be five times as much anyway. Meanwhile, my RA4 chem kits have probably already gone bad, and will need replacing too. At least I used up all my older color paper stock last Spring, while I still could.

TMax rolls, n'Ektar - shot em all along in 120, and never did get a bad backing paper issue. The suppliers I dealt with were apparently preemptive about that issue, and culled out the suspect batches once they were identified.

15-Mar-2022, 13:54
Well, these are not durable goods, so prepping for some possible future doesn’t make all that much sense.

I get most of my go-to advice from Dale Gribble and have my underground shelter full of Mountain Dew .. I've been working on a direct replacement using the Dew instead of coffee ..
stay tuned!

Jim Noel
15-Mar-2022, 14:15
I don't have a lot of film in my freezer, maybe a year's worth, but my problem is I shoot so many formats. Off the top of my head there's 127, 35mm, 120, 9x12, 4x5 5x7, and 8x10. Oops, forgot half plate. The second problem is I haven't been shooting a whole lot of film the past two years but instead have been concentrating on wet plate. I've been shooting film when it gets way too cold for wet plate, mostly.

Kent in SD

Now here is a man who thinks as I do.

Jim Noel
15-Mar-2022, 14:23
I think I have enough film to last my lifetime. About 400 sheets of 8x10, 250 - 5x12, 200 - 5x7, 6 - 4x5 film packs + 125 sheets of flat film, I haven't tried to count the 120 which I don't use often. I am 93 and my goal is to expose the last sheet of film with just enough time left to make a palladium print of the negative. Then -Goodbye. No telling how old I'll be if I live to us all of it.

John Kasaian
15-Mar-2022, 15:29
When was that? I don't recall Kodak ever stopping production of sheet film.

Sometime around 2004, IIRC. They shut down the old coating building in Rochester to build a new dust free one.
Or that was the explanation I heard.

Sal Santamaura
16-Mar-2022, 13:06
...when Kodak closed down their sheet film line...

When was that? I don't recall Kodak ever stopping production of sheet film.

Sometime around 2004, IIRC. They shut down the old coating building in Rochester to build a new dust free one.
Or that was the explanation I heard.

Bldg. 38, where all film coating is done now, was constructed around 1995. I don't know how much time was needed to bring the new coating line up to operational status, but cannot remember Kodak terminating sheet film production when it moved there, undoubtedly having built up sufficient master roll stock to cover any transition period. The most recent coating line I recall Kodak shutting down was in Bldg. 29, which had been used through 2011. Building 29 itself was demolished in 2013.

The definitive story on this should come from Bob Shanebrook (member MakingKODAKfilm). With luck he'll chime in here.

16-Mar-2022, 14:39
I get most of my go-to advice from Dale Gribble and have my underground shelter full of Mountain Dew .. I've been working on a direct replacement using the Dew instead of coffee ..
stay tuned!

"When you lie you make an ass out of you and me" Dale Gribble ;)

16-Mar-2022, 14:42
I think I have enough film to last my lifetime. About 400 sheets of 8x10, 250 - 5x12, 200 - 5x7, 6 - 4x5 film packs + 125 sheets of flat film, I haven't tried to count the 120 which I don't use often. I am 93 and my goal is to expose the last sheet of film with just enough time left to make a palladium print of the negative. Then -Goodbye. No telling how old I'll be if I live to us all of it.

Still a good idea to ration it. Assuming the pace of change we should have robot body parts within a few years. Be a darn shame to live to 175 and run out of the good stuff! ;)

Leszek Vogt
17-Mar-2022, 00:52
I hear Ilford is cranking prices....just bought enough to last me 5yrs.

Drew Wiley
17-Mar-2022, 10:59
Everyone HAS to uptick pricing because the cost of mfg and shipping has gone up so much worldwide. As annoying as these film and printing paper increases have been, it's nowhere near as bad an overall factor as framing components like acrylic sheet or even museum board. People just think of the petrochemical industry, for example, in terms of how gas pump prices are affected. But just look around, and see how much of our daily world consists of petro-reliant plastics, even film base itself. And it's gonna be a mess for awhile.

I wish that at least the Port backlogs could be addressed; but that's hard to do because all of them are under different local jurisdictional Port authorities, and not a single Fed blanket except for maybe safety rules. Somewhere, lost in all of that, is my backordered roll of Fuji color paper perhaps. But at least right now my favorite b&w papers are readily available, albeit at slightly higher price than before.

Michael R
17-Mar-2022, 11:10
I never liked port anyway.

Everyone HAS to uptick pricing because the cost of mfg and shipping has gone up so much worldwide. As annoying as these film and printing paper increases have been, it's nowhere near as bad an overall factor as framing components like acrylic sheet or even museum board. People just think of the petrochemical industry, for example, in terms of how gas pump prices are affected. But just look around, and see how much of our daily world consists of petro-reliant plastics, even film base itself. And it's gonna be a mess for awhile.

I wish that at least the Port backlogs could be addressed; but that's hard to do because all of them are under different local jurisdictional Port authorities, and not a single Fed blanket except for maybe safety rules. Somewhere, lost in all of that, is my backordered roll of Fuji color paper perhaps. But at least right now my favorite b&w papers are readily available, albeit at slightly higher price than before.

Drew Wiley
17-Mar-2022, 12:08
That's why Port Authorities exist. Too much port causes gout anyway.

19-Mar-2022, 11:25
I’m slowly going to retirement, meaning that my income will be not the same in about 2 years. So now I’m slowly buying film each month to have a lot in stock for the next 5 years or more.