View Full Version : New Video on Chamonix's 45H-1 4x5 Camera

9-Mar-2022, 13:01
Posted today on Hugo Zhang's YouTube channel. It's a detailed overview of the camera and how it works.

I noticed that neither the channel's About page nor the video description have a link to the Chamonix website. Might be a good idea to address that. When I found the 45H-1 website page (https://www.chamonixviewcamera.com/cameras/45h1), I noticed that the website text, especially the second sentence, and Hass's presentation in the video, are not entirely on the same page on the question of who the camera is for. I think that Hass makes a good case for revisiting the website text :)

As always, well presented and well recorded.


10-Mar-2022, 07:49
Nice video of a great camera. But I have to ask, what is that tripod head he is using? :-)

Alan Klein
10-Mar-2022, 08:34
I have this model the 45H-1 for about two years. It's my first time using large format equipment. Since I don't hike, the non-folding works for me as it's ready to go especially if you're using the same lens as the last time since you can store the camera with the lens. There's no assembly or disassembly. The camera is very distinctive looking with fine wood, aluminum and carbon fiber as are their film holders.

The main complaint I have about the camera is its focusing, It requires two hands to hold the knobs. See 14:08. That's a problem since you then need a third hand to hold the focusing loupe. The way around this (not explained in the video) is to tighten the left knob enough so the right focusing knob is allowed to move but not too freely. That leaves one hand available for the loupe. It's fidgety and think they need to improve this design.

The other issue is that the leveling gage on the top of the front standard sometimes pops off. They should lock it in better. Also, the back standard is slightly not plumb when locked in its default position. I haven't figured out how to correct the lock position.

Tin Can
25-Jul-2022, 08:45
Yes, great demo!

I have wanted a stand alone 5X7 version for awhile.

Perhaps this winter.

Thank you