View Full Version : endless Bergger paper backorder...

Fred L
22-Feb-2022, 16:22
Man it seems like Bergger 16x20 Neutral tone has been on back order since the dawn of time. Wonder what the hold up is ? Need to make some 7x17 contacts and not sure the one box of 25 sheets I have, will be enough.

So wondering how Foma compares to Bergger...for future reference since 16x20 is a special order paper.

Drew Wiley
22-Feb-2022, 16:57
What is the hold up??????? - other than thousands of products long overdue because of a worldwide pandemic?

Michael Graves
22-Feb-2022, 16:58
Been noticing the same thing. I've been wanting some 11x14 glossy fiber-base since November. Still wanting.

Drew Wiley
22-Feb-2022, 17:06
It's intermittently coated by Harman. They're own Ilford paper runs would naturally come first. And the supply chain is indeed a mess at the moment. I've been unable to get my preferred color papers. No telling how many more months. Bergger Neutral tone is an interesting critter because it can be developed either warm or cold; so it's hard for me to comment on Foma - depends on the look you're after.

Michael R
22-Feb-2022, 17:28
It’s the case with all sorts of things these days.

I’ve never used any of the Bergger materials but this thread reminded me I wanted to try their “Print Film”, which looks like a potentially useful product.

Drew, do we know for sure Harman makes Bergger stuff (rather than Inoviscoat, which I hear is in financial trouble)? Does Harman make all the Bergger materials?

Sal Santamaura
22-Feb-2022, 17:42
...do we know for sure Harman makes Bergger stuff (rather than Inoviscoat, which I hear is in financial trouble)? Does Harman make all the Bergger materials?Yes, HARMAN coats papers for Bergger. Inoviscoat, which reportedly has restructured out of bankruptcy, does Bergger films. Or did, since almost all sheet sizes of Pancro 400 have been on back order for approximately one year.

Fred L
22-Feb-2022, 18:03
Wonder if silver prices plays into this as well, or if it's just Ilford prioritizing their products first, which is understandable. But it only seems like this size is hard to get. Maybe not a big seller so smaller sizes get cut first.

Michael R
22-Feb-2022, 18:22
Thanks for the info, Sal.

Yes, HARMAN coats papers for Bergger. Inoviscoat, which reportedly has restructured out of bankruptcy, does Bergger films. Or did, since almost all sheet sizes of Pancro 400 have been on back order for approximately one year.

22-Feb-2022, 19:19
It’s the case with all sorts of things these days.

I’ve never used any of the Bergger materials but this thread reminded me I wanted to try their “Print Film”, which looks like a potentially useful product.

Drew, do we know for sure Harman makes Bergger stuff (rather than Inoviscoat, which I hear is in financial trouble)? Does Harman make all the Bergger materials?

I just discovered the Print Film last night. Definitely interested in getting some of that in the not too distant future.

peter schrager
22-Feb-2022, 19:58
The print film is great material. I have emailed them directly about it with no response. I have dialog with someone on Facebook who ordered a roll and did get it
He got it directly from bergger

Mark Sampson
22-Feb-2022, 21:21
I just bought some 8x10 Bergger Neutral tone from B&H. I've made one print so far... looks promising. Some comparison printing will be in order, can't say any more until after that.

24-Feb-2022, 06:52
20x24 is available at B&H which gives you a nice 8x20" additional test strip

Fred L
24-Feb-2022, 07:47
20x24 is available at B&H which gives you a nice 8x20" additional test strip

hmmmmm...almost same price per 8x20 sheet. should have thought of that, thanks !